This is a weird one...



Mar 20, 2008
Anybody have any advice on cleaning a wading/rain jacket that has gear oil on it?

Long story short a bottle of new gear oil broke open in the back of my jeep and spilled onto the back of my Cabelas wading jacket :(. for those who have smelled gear know my pain.

I have no clue what to do, this sucks. Maybe they have some kind of warranty.

If there is no other option to clean it you might want to try some Simple Green. I'm not sure what it would do to a rain jacket but it works on shoes and clothes. I used to use gear oil daily at work and Simple Green was the only thing that would keep me somewhat clean. Like I said though I don't know what effect it would have on water repellent gear but if the only other option ends up being tossing out the jacket then try it.

And yes, gear oil sucks in so many ways. Good Luck.

Try Simple Green first, if that doesn't work try some orange GoJo,use a small scrubbrush and take your time ,use light to moderate pressure adn scrub in several directions..meaning go one way,then switch go another,then switch direction.
and last but nor least use Oxy Clean. i work around large oily and heavy type greased machinery and this works for my clothes.
When you have been satisfied with the removal of the grease go and get a bottle of Revivex pre wash and then two bottles of the Revivex water resistant treatment. follow the directions any questions pm me ill be glad to help.
next get online go to the Flyshop and order their wader hanger and always hang your jacket up along with you r waders when your done or when you are storing them till next trip.Never just fold and wad the waders up and throw in a bag they can get compromised easier that way.
I had a wading jacket get Lucas oil treatment on it and this is what saved me from having to buy another rain jacket.The jacket was on the back of my 4runner and fell in a rubbermaid box i keep a murphy proof emergency kit for my vehicle with 2 quarts of oil a bottle of antifreeze extra bug/windsheild wash,wipers,rags,ect.well needless to say i didn't relize the Lucas bottle had fallen over and not all the way but enough to dribble out the oil treatment.Then Murphy struck.I have since learned and hang my waders up all the more surprises.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
I would also try some dish detergent, they are made to breakdown grease and oil. Let it soak in hot water with it.
buffalo7 wrote:
I would also try some dish detergent, they are made to breakdown grease and oil. Let it soak in hot water with it.

Awesome thanks guys! I will try that out once I get home from this weekends trip.