They're Back! Lanternflies



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Saw the first, small, black with white dots, nymphs today. At first from a few feet away I was thinking that there was a jumping spider on my wife's shirt. Then I thought it was a wood tick. When I moved closer I saw the white dots and posture of a lanternfly nymph. I had not seen any that small last year. I then easily found them on a grape arbor, Fig trees, and milkweed once I had the search image. Something was obviously damaging the grape leaves, creating many small, brown spots, which then led me to search the arbor for a sucking insect.
Mike wrote:
Saw the first, small, black with white dots, nymphs today. At first from a few feet away I was thinking that there was a jumping spider on my wife's shirt. Then I thought it was a wood tick. When I moved closer I saw the white dots and posture of a lanternfly nymph. I had not seen any that small last year. I then easily found them on a grape arbor, Fig trees, and milkweed once I had the search image. Something was obviously damaging the grape leaves, creating many small, brown spots, which then led me to search the arbor for a sucking insect.

I just bought one of these bug a salt 3.0 for such an occasion should be in the mail any day now .
Mike wrote:
Saw the first, small, black with white dots, nymphs today. At first from a few feet away I was thinking that there was a jumping spider on my wife's shirt. Then I thought it was a wood tick. When I moved closer I saw the white dots and posture of a lanternfly nymph. I had not seen any that small last year. I then easily found them on a grape arbor, Fig trees, and milkweed once I had the search image. Something was obviously damaging the grape leaves, creating many small, brown spots, which then led me to search the arbor for a sucking insect.

I saw my first SLF nymph of the season today as well.
Confirmed sighting in Glenmoore. Here they come...
Interesting article about a possible end or way to control SLFs