There may be hope



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
I fished Spring Creek on Saturday near the Rock for a few hours.
Missed 5 straight off and then nothing. Later in the day I decided to fish Spring Creek Park despite the screaming kids and stream bathers.

I was doing fairly well as I fished my way up from the bottom end of the park towards the pavilions. I made it to one of the landscaped pools when several kids headed down the bank towards me. My first reaction in these situations is "Oh well, fishing in this pool will be ruined after they start splashing and carrying on". The boys were actually very respectful and one young man engaged me about fly fishing.

He had many questions, but interestingly enough he had a lot of knowledge and appreciation of fly fishing. He mentioned that his grandmother had purchased a 8"-6" clear water rod for him at a yard sale for $5.00. I was somewhat envious and congratulated him on getting a decent rod to begin his fly-fishing endeavors.

He mentioned that a family member knew Joe Humphrey, but he knew of many unsung anglers who practiced their passion with as much skill only without notoriety. While he was standing there I hooked several trout including one about 11". I encouraged him to ask as many questions as he could if he had the opportunity to meet Joe.

The boy was local and lived several miles from Spring Creek. I encouraged him to take full advantage of his vicinity to Spring Creek and commented that trout could be had for its entire length. He also expressed an interest in tying. I pulled out my fly box and handed him some flies. I noted which ones were my creations and which ones were commercially tied. He was appreciative and indicated he was going to get a starter kit soon. I started tying late in life and wished that I had begun when I was his age.

We need to get more young people like this interested into fly fishing. I mentioned to him Trout Unlimited and the Spring Creek Chapter. I told him to attend a meeting. Hopefully Spring Creek will have a new young member.
Great story. Cool of you to take some time and give the young man some flys. Kudos to you. And yes I agree there is hope.

That was my nephew and I put him up to that because I was getting low on flies.

I'm joking of course. Great story.
Iv'e seen Joe fishing several times on Penn's years ago hard to not stop and watch him for a little guy is a legend.