There are starving children in Africa or was it Japan maybe China?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Is there not bigger problems to worry about?[/img]

(this was a link from this site)

I think they should start by trying barbless then going to a creel limit then maybe catch and release?

Don't flip out on me I am a dog lover. More so than a people lover sometimes. Just struck me.
better yet train your dog to fish...
That actually once happened to my dog. I had some relatives visiting the farm, and after fishing all day, one or more of them got careless where they put their equipment. This was after I harped on them several times about close calls and watching out for the dog. Sure enough, one of them sat a few fishing rods down on the ground insides the dog's containment area. My dog was nearly grown, but still a very curious puppy. They had been using bait, and the dog sure enough hooked himself in the lip. Man was I ticked. But to be honest, it didn't seem to bother the dog all that much, and he is a big crybaby. I held him down while my brother cut off the barb end and extracted the hook.

P.S. My wife does not know about this story, and I'd like to keep it that way.
So do you think my 8 weight would be Ok for my neighbor's miniature poodle? I tied a pretty good deer hair milk bone. I just got to figure out how to put the damn thing onto a stringer :-D
I think that would be overkill for a miniature. A 3 or 4wt should do it. Now if it was a full size poodle an 8 or 9wt would be plenty if you have a good disc drag.
Rocky's caught 2 trout a smallie and 3 rock bass this year...OH YEA Tom he wears this...
sandfly wrote:
Rocky's caught 2 trout a smallie and 3 rock bass this year...OH YEA Tom he wears this...

Thats funny Bob...slow day at the shop? :lol:
I left a spinning outfit rigged with a jerk bait on my daughters porch.If you think Bonefish make long runs you should see a cat that foul hooked it self.There were about four of us out there at the time.Interesting experience.
That is what gaffs are for.
Believe it not Maurice the WCO told me if he catches a trout while we are stocking , He'll fine me so I came up with the lisence...He got such a kick out of it he would't fine me...I've sold 2 of them to people who have dogs that go with them....

rocky and the WCO stocking...
I have come away with these thoughts, Jack Turner and his folowers need to get a life, fish are for catching thats why they call it fishing, dogs eat fish when they can, my dog eats anything if allowed, and birds are for flying around and catching fish if they have the notion to. Some times the fish have hooks in them which is a regretable but an unavoidable hapenstance. I wonder how these people would react to see a deer brought down by Coyotees and eaten alive or , house cats eaten as snacks by Coyotees. They probably would come away shaken and would need a couple of herbal,organic teas and a chat room much unlike our own. Just my thoiughts on these topic dumb people.
I would love to watch coyotes eat cat, its one their favorite meals up here... :-D
My dog doesnt eat fish he just catches em... :-D
i would help the coyotes eat a deer....
It was a long time ago....30 years I guess. I used to spend the summers un in Tionesta. Most of the time down at the lake in a tent. The parents of my friend had a camp there...on top of the hill, and a boat. Anyway, when the boating was done for the day we were left to our own devices. We were in our mid teens and sometimes there were girls..sometimes not....anyhoo.....we used to fish this cove for smallies using spin gear. They had a bunch of daschound(sp) weiner dogs. The alpha male, Schultzie, named after the infamous sergent schultz from Hogans Heros was a AKC champion decendent. He would sit there intently watching our bobbers....pacing the bank, when the bobber moved 60 ft out in the water...he'd bark constantly and run in place. When we set the hook and the bass was too much for him. He would plunge into the water and swim out to the fish. I remember him bringing in two fish in his jaws. one was 15" That dog could fish!
If not mistaken, (like THAT could ever happen?), I do believe that "PETA" stands for "People Eating Tofu Ala cart".
Like their latest ad, (which like all their others.............. are stupid, inaccurate and uninformed), they have a nude picture of Alicia Silverstone, saying "I'm Alicia Silverstone and I'm a vegetarian!"
Uhhhhhhhhh, like, THAT makes any sense and is SUPPOSED to make ME, "stop killing all living things, in order to eat them"?? Because some out of work actress, at the moment, is naked and only eats barkdust and weeds?
I've run into these idiot tofu breathed fools, on numerous occasions while out hunting and,or, fishing and as soon as a conversation is started, I will immediately interrupt them and ask directly, "Where'd ya' get that LEATHER belt, you're wearing, and those LOVELY LEATHER boots on your feet? Oh! NICE parka! DOWN, isn't it? Etc. etc. !!
Then, before the reply, (which there is RARELY one they can give me), I shake my head, in disbelief and walk away.
I have a button on my fly vest and the same one on my coat, that reads.............. "This garment made entirely from animals that have committed suicide in the wild".
I've run into PETAs, who have seen and read this button, (I've had to always help them with the bigger words), and they just STARE at it, not having a CLUE as to what to say to me!!
On the other hand, as easy as it is to make fun of these undereducated fools, people DO laugh at them, for the most part, but FORGET they also have great political clout, in many arenas and need to be carefully watched. People laughed at them, in California, until they snuck in when no one took them seriously and got black bear and cougar hunting banned and nearly banned for good, in that state!
Granted, when talking to a PETA member, it resembles a conversation with chewed gum. But, as a whole, they also can be very dangerous to our outdoor sports!
flybinder wrote:

I've run into these idiot tofu breathed fools, on numerous occasions while out hunting and,or, fishing and as soon as a conversation is started, I will immediately interrupt them and ask directly, "Where'd ya' get that LEATHER belt, you're wearing, and those LOVELY LEATHER boots on your feet? Oh! NICE parka! DOWN, isn't it? Etc. etc. !!
Then, before the reply, (which there is RARELY one they can give me), I shake my head, in disbelief and walk away.

Yea, but if you ran into a nude Alicia Silverstone, you would have to come up with some new material. I don't think I would walk away, either. Is it just me, or are the nude stunts starting to make more sense? :-D

Granted, when talking to a PETA member, it resembles a conversation with chewed gum.

I was thinking more along the line of a bag of soy beans, but I like your version :lol:

Pam Anderson also claims to be a vegetarian, but we all know she enjoys some protein in her diet. Then again, she could be practicing catch and release :-o
P.E.T.A.------People for Eating Tasty Animals.......
JUST, now, caught the news.............. "PETA ad with Alicia Silverstone, pulled off air in Texas and other states"!(end quote).
APPARENTLY, "The ad is too "racey", for publicly viewed television", so Comcast, in Texas, has pulled it from their ad campaign line up.. with other interests following suit.
Too funny, PETA as USUAL has cut their own throat.............. as always.. acting before thinking!!
However, a few comments here, got me also thinking........... "Pam Anderson", "Alicia Silverstone", "Sally Struthers".........................or, "Betty White"........ which are they gonna pick for their NEXT "nude-shock value" commercial?
Now, they DID, show SOME smarts a while back and voted Carrie Underwood, their "Most Beautiful Vegetarian", or some such nonsense!?! I there a "Most Beautiful Meat Eater", contest out there, somewhere??
flybinder wrote:
JUST, now, caught the news.............. "PETA ad with Alicia Silverstone, pulled off air in Texas and other states"!(end quote).
APPARENTLY, "The ad is too "racey", for publicly viewed television", so Comcast, in Texas, has pulled it from their ad campaign line up.. with other interests following suit.
Too funny, PETA as USUAL has cut their own throat.............. as always.. acting before thinking!!
However, a few comments here, got me also thinking........... "Pam Anderson", "Alicia Silverstone", "Sally Struthers".........................or, "Betty White"........ which are they gonna pick for their NEXT "nude-shock value" commercial?
Now, they DID, show SOME smarts a while back and voted Carrie Underwood, their "Most Beautiful Vegetarian", or some such nonsense!?! I there a "Most Beautiful Meat Eater", contest out there, somewhere??

I think Pam Andersen took that title a few years ago.... :lol:
What's worse PETA or the religious right?