The yough...



Mar 13, 2014
Hello, I have a question. What is a good fishable level for the yough in terms of CFS? Also, if you guys could tell me any decent spots to fish for this weekend that would be great.

I have never fished it in the winter and I am more of a small water guy. Thanks in advance. I have searched on this site but was unable to turn over much other than the article written on the home page talking about spring.
Looks like the only place you could fish it is right below the dam , up from where the Casselman flows in. Probably a half mile stretch. The snow melt is blowing it out right now. Sometimes the fishable water is even less cause the Casselman backs up into the yough. Possibly fishable downstream this weekend but not sure. The tailrace is stocked regularly.

I want the dam release to be 500-1000 cfs.
release just went from 300-ish to 1000-ish over the last 24 hours. water temp is 36. personally, I'd like to see it around 500-600 release for wading.

link to river gauge:
Most of the larger rivers are going to be very high for a while. Some of the brook trout streams would be fishable. Look into the savage river reservoir tributaries. It's not too far from the yough.
I like the tail race to be 400 - 600 cfs
And the "below confluence" gauge to be 1,000 - or less