The Yough - Turning the spigot off and on ?



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Anyone know why the river flows are being strange on the Yough in confluence? They seem to be shutting the water off and on for the last week.


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At first I thought it might have been a malfunctioning gage but I don't think that's the case. It is strange that they're running the high flow for such short periods. Are they working on the gate possibly?
Flow from the dam has been dipping to essentially zero leaving only the flow from the Casselman. Flows dipping under 200 CFS below Confluence with normal flows ~1000 CFS. Thanksfully temps have not been an issue. I'm concerned about the impact on the aquatic insects.
They are doing the same thing with the Lehigh. I plan on fishing it Saturday and have noticed they did this yesterday and today. Why?
They may be doing maintenance to the release gates. At least that is the reason for the Lehigh flows/releases fluctuating.
Is this an effort to flush or scour debris or veg by dropping and flushing more dramatically? Or perhaps a way to regulate water temps by stopping/slowing releases during warmer parts of the day because it's been warm later in the year? These could be rubbish. I'm just spitballing.
It's the Yough!
Weird things happen there all the time
Call Stan


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Oh God, haven't seen that face in awhile. Although I don;t remember him ever not having gray hair. Had to interview that guy every 6 months it seemed like. Slow news days. :alien:
I was fishing there on Wednesday Nov. 2, the first picture is from below the "Yough" bridge facing up stream. I couldn't get a trout to even look at my caddis and /or flash back pheasant tail. I fished here and down river just above Ramcat run. The two other anglers that I talked to didn't have any strikes either. I thought that skating a caddis on the mirror flat water would induce a strike, no luck. I think that the low flow had them spooked.
The second pic is of the Yough from a previous year, I do know that they were working on the gate at that time.


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They are doing maintenance on the gates.