The Waiting Game



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
I haven’t been on the stream much recently. Work, kids, house stuff all have been taking priority. With finally a couple hours free this morning, I headed out to a small local spring creek. Though not famous like it’s bigger limestone neighbors, it has always treated me well.

About 30 minutes into fishing a dry dropper, I see a big shadow emerge from a log jam and break on my dropper. At the exact same time, a small brown hit the dry. I instinctively set the hook and pulled the whole rig out of the water. It dangled fishless at the end of my line as the bigger fish darted back to its ambush spot. Damn.

So I waited.

I slowly tied on a black bunny closer - something I have fooled big browns on before. After about 10 minutes, I carefully rolled the fly into the hole. Immediately, the fish darted out and looked, but refused. Tried again. Another refusal. Damn.

So I waited.

After 15 minutes, I thought the fish might show itself again. I had tied on a black weighted bugger, and was ready to try a third time. I rolled the fly towards the log. It hit the side and quietly ricocheted into the water.

The brown shot out of the log jam and slammed the fly hard. I resisted the set, as I could tell it didn’t take it. It started heading back to its hiding spot, but then turned back around, charged, and inhaled. Game on.

It was a beautiful dark yellow, and it’s red gills flared as it ran downstream. After a few charges and head shakes, it quietly came to the net. I admired it for a minute, and then watched it slide back into the water. Sometimes it pays to wait.


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A neat story and a gorgeous fish. In addition to the deep butter yellow color, note the red edges on top and bottom of the caudal fin.

This story also evinces the tendency of hopper dropper presentations, at least in my experience, to roll fish or get them to show themselves. While often intial misses, such as this case, going after the targeted fish with a single fly rather than repeating the hopper dropper presentation shows some patience too. :)
Nicely done, one of the finest browns I’ve seen in a long time. A true trophy knowing where it came from!
Thats a lesson only experience teaches. Well done. GG
I love em' when they're buttery yellow like that. Nice looking fish and a good story Klingy.
As a guy with house, kid, work, etc himself who hasnt fished in 5 weeks, thanks for letting me live vicariously for a minute while i read this! Amazing fish, awesome story, well done sir
Nice, usually never get a second chance, let alone a third or more chances.
Wooly Bugger for the win ~
Absolutely gorgeous wild brown. Congratulations.
Ditto on the whole Dad/house/life thing as Timmy noted, thanks for taking a minute to post and let us vicariously live the moment(s) with you! Cheers! Print that picture, frame it and re-live the moment when Dadding gets tough!
Soon I can hit the stream and do dad duty at the same time. My son is 8 and daughter is 6. They have rods and are deadly on sunnies and have pulled in some nice bass too. Moving along to trout soon!
You made me feel like I was standing right along side you the way you told the story. Great fish and nice pictures too.
Absolutely stunning brown, and probably the nicest fish I have seen in some time. Excellent job there!
Yes, very nice. A great fish with an even greater story to go along with it; both you will never forget.