The two recent freshwater oil spills-Terro.......????



May 8, 2009
Two oil spills in freshwater recently. One of 200, 000 gallons that could end up in the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Great Salt Lake, 37th largest lake on earth. Then 800,000 gallons of oil into Kalamazoo River which leads in Lake Michigan.

800k is a pretty big spill. So......anyone think this is some guys who realized the best and perhaps easiest way to screw with the US is to just start cracking open their energy pipes. Pollutes air, water, and land, and undermines the economy. Thoughts?
Terrorism seeks to strike terror into its adversary. These actions do not have the "shock and awe" of a terrorist act.
Exactly. If it was "terrorism", it'd be abundantly clear who did it. That's the point.

The media's beaten the word to death, to the point that it means everything and nothing at the same time. Kids on the playground call each other terrorists now.

Now, whether there's foulplay involved? Who knows. I really doubt it, but it's a possibility.

I think a big part of it is that these stories are becoming a hot button topic. Normally, we might not hear so much about it.
I believe that these types of spills happened far more frequently than we thought in the past but were more accepted than today in the environmental age. China has a disaster about half the size of the Gulf spill but no one knows about it. Oil spills in other parts of the world are commonplace.
Jim Kearney
Good points. Terror is subjective. Who am I to know who did what, however. Foreknowledge would be one of the only indications of responsibility. That can be manufactured. To me, cracking oil and gas lines is more of a concern than crashing birds. GE isn't going to want to cultivate fear around oil and gas lines, it hurts their business. Likewise for the majority shareholders of media and oil companies.
trout17 wrote:
I believe that these types of spills happened far more frequently than we thought in the past but were more accepted than today in the environmental age. China has a disaster about half the size of the Gulf spill but no one knows about it. Oil spills in other parts of the world are commonplace.
Jim Kearney

Someone I know who works for a big oil company, not BP, told me as soon as the gulf leak occurred that the only real fix was to drill the side bores and plug it that way. He said his company had three similar but smaller blowouts last year.
Part of the Cheney/bush energy bill before the end of their administration excluded any regulations on oil or natural gas drilling... Not to mention that hydraulic drilling or "fracking" was developed by dun dun run haliburton, who we all know who is involved with THAT company.