The Summer Blogs

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The Internet seems to have a never ending supply of material to gander at and digest. Some of my favorite fly fishing blogs should not be overlooked this summer.

The Trout Underground
Tom Chandler has built his fly fishing blog around the conversation with a less than serious approach to the sport. His casual, but candid dialog really gets back to the heart of what the sport is all about. My favorite line from Tom is, "The fly fishers who have the most fun are those who approach it like they were kids." Plus I admire him because he as more people following him on Twitter than me.

Fat Guy Fly Fishing
The site name pretty much says it all. Alex, Kyle and Aaron all post a variety of funny topical articles about fly fishing from all over the country. Alex adds some pretty damn impressive photography. I speak very highly of the site because they make me laugh and it looks like they could probably kick my butt if I said anything differently.

Moldy Chum
These posts are some of the best and most pleasing to look at on the Internet. Moldy chum finds the best pictures and photographs to visualize their blog posts. More pictures and less words especially when there is a Friday Pinup involved.

Thanks guys!
Some intertesting artwork on the FGFF site! Might not want to click that link at work or when the family is around.
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Some intertesting artwork on the FGFF site! Might not want to click that link at work or when the family is around.
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Some intertesting artwork on the FGFF site! Might not want to click that link at work or when the family is around.
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