the straw method? :)



New member
Apr 21, 2009
I just got back into fly fishing and tying after a loooong layoff. I hit Cabelas and the Orvis store to re-supply my materials. When I started tying I realized I never picked up a bobbin threader. So after a few blind.....(friggin 42 year old eyes are a b*tch)....tries at threading my bobbin I had an idea. I put the thread into the tube about 1/4"....then I put the other end of the bobbin in my mouth and like drinking a soda.....I sucked the thread right up the tube super easy! :) Of course I had to explain to the wife wth I was doing, but it was worth it.

So, I need a few more expert "cheats" from you long time tyers!

thanx, Gerry
Did it that way myself for years, finally made a threader like the kind you use for a needle only longer, my buddy buys a bobbin every time we go to a fly shop i'll bet he has 10 of em , whatever works for you , word of warning , be careful you don't suck up a ball of wax or a furball or sumpin..............HAVE FUN!!!!
That's how I do it.
i either do it that way or use a dental floss threader,a la sylvester nemes.
I just feed it through. I should get a threader, but don't feel an urgent need to get one.
I use the straw method too. No shame in it, I think it's faster than a threader; especially if you get a good technique down.
I use a floss threader. I have used the suction method, but the inside of bobbin tubes get pretty cruddy with built-up wax and fur and this diminishes the ability to suck the thread up through.

And in any event, I also use the floss threaders to clear ear wax out of the vent tubes in my hearing aids, so I always have them around anyway.

Eventually, I may even use one to help me floss under the bridge on my lower left teeth. But I have to find one that doesn't have rabbit fur or ear wax on it first...
lol i thought i was the only one who did that i have a threadder just dont use it