The Sporting Gentleman is closed?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
I've dropped by TSG twice in the last several weeks and it was closed. I was very fond of the shop at all three locations and the folks there couldn't be nicer. It would be sad if this institution becomes history.
Sporting Gentleman at one time bought my leaders. The George Harvey design. The owner was a Penn State man and learned from George. Although this did not pan out in the long run, I am sorry to hear. Very, very, nice gentleman!

Never had good luck with the Harvey style leader! A big talk design with a small following! Never did understand George's philosophy on this design, we discussed this a few times while George was alive! I believed in accuracy, George believed in the s curve!

Well a loss to all!

One thing for certain! They all close! The list is longer than my arm!
Son has taken over business long ago, again, youth and speed! My day with my limited tech, video, facebook, twitter, twatter, and tweeter! I found the handshake was not viable anymore! Without that shake, I knew the end was near! Don't get me wrong still plenty of survivors, I guess a brotherhood was formed, good product, good prices and some great people and some good luck were involved

God bless the Sporting Gentleman, some will see this as an opportunity, I see it as a sign of times.

False alarm! I talked to Steve Turrisi and this is the slow time of year and he had sick dog, kids to attend to. Christine is on vacay in France for a coupla weeks so she couldn't help 'man' the shop. I guess with our local Dilworthtown Inn/Blue Pear Bistro shut indefinitely, the market dumping 800 points and the Philly police shooting making even the national news, I was in a doom/gloom frame of mind.

lestrout wrote:
False alarm! I talked to Steve Turrisi and this is the slow time of year and he had sick dog, kids to attend to. Christine is on vacay in France for a coupla weeks so she couldn't help 'man' the shop. I guess with our local Dilworthtown Inn/Blue Pear Bistro shut indefinitely, the market dumping 800 points and the Philly police shooting making even the national news, I was in a doom/gloom frame of mind.


Glad to hear the SG is still up and running.

D-Town Inn / Blue Pear closed?!! :-o
It's funny. Not a big deal but this is an example of how fake news in social media gains traction. Had lestrout not double checked this would be gospel that they are going out of business.

There was no news. Fake or otherwise. This medium worked exactly as it's supposed to. Les found the place unexpectedly closed. Expressed concern and asked about it here. Found his answer himself before it was answered, updated us and everyone was relieved. In a time when shops are dropping like flies, his concern was worth inquiring.

Your post is an example of using false rhetoric like fake news and trying to create drama and outrage where none exists.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.

And thank you for your useless input as well. It has provided absolutely nothing of value to this thread. The original post was nothing but a simple inquiry.

Your post is an example of using false rhetoric like fake news and trying to create drama and outrage where none exists.


Glad SG is doing alright, haven't been down that way in some time but I always enjoyed visiting that shop. When I first moved to eastern PA they were of great help! Gave me some great insight into fishing the Upper D.
Wait a minute and hold on! By no means was this a wasted post! It was brought to our attention a shop, The Sporting Gentleman, was closing!

Now the important part is, "They Are Not". This is great news for all Pa. fishermen and fisherwomen! Father, Son and the Grey Ghost!

Perfect. They fight on! I like fighters and I like the Sporting Gentleman! Nice people and nice to know all is good. And what hurt came from a little excitement and a little bit of free ad! We know the name now! All readers know it and may one day stop there!

Always good news to know, we did not loose another inch!

What I reaffirmed from this post is, don't believe everything you read and always call before driving down some winding road to an off the beaten path fly shop. ;-)

I know the reasons why, but I liked the Media location much better...
Here's another less confrontational approach: trust (info on this forum and others), but verify.

"www" is understood to stand for World Wide Web. It's also the Wild, Wild West. There's a lot of BS passing as fact. Little of what is posted here and elsewhere is FACT. Most is opinion (some more valuable than others) and hearsay. It's all fine as long as you take things for what they are.

Bottom line: There's no need for acrimony, but that's just MY opinion. ;)

many quick to anger
and jump on allthingsflyfishing
seemed like a simple
harmless observation
must be something in the water
Shop is still open every Sunday, Steve is also busy guiding , he started a guiding service called on the run adventures .
Could someone change the title of this thread ending with"NOT"
i love the sporting gentleman!!!
I didn't read the post a a definitely closed shop rather concern that it might be and how sad it would be.
Fake news,that's a stretch. Passing comments regarding concerns is ok by me. Sensoring not needed,IMHO. GG
laszlo wrote:
Could someone change the title of this thread ending with"NOT"

Yes. :-D

The original title was a question, and this is not Jeopardy.