The Seasonable Angler



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Nick Lyons' first book, "The Seasonable Angler," has just been reprinted in a hardback version for $24.95. I couldn't resist. I thought I had read a library version of it previously, but having just gotten through it, I think this is my first reading. In this book, Lyons does not portray himself as a bumbler as he does in much of his later writing. Instead, he tries to squeeze in a little fishing as a city-bound family man with four young children -- and a young wife who really has little appreciation for fly-fishing. The book is arranged seasonally, from spring through autumn, when the season then began and ended. It is a nice read of a rather gentler time as a young Lyons catches some fish and ties his own flies. As one who has never been able to refrain from tallying his trout during an outing (though I have managed to refrain from keeping a running count for a season), I think this is a refreshing diversion from the head-hunting stories and articles we often read today. This is well worth your reading, and I'm sure you can find it, perhaps in paperback, much cheaper on the Internet. I suppose you Nook and Kindle fans can find it there as well. A GOOD BOOK.