The River Why



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Anyone out there had a chance to catch the film yet?

If so, how was it?

Any differences from the book?

The trailer looks decent.
I have not seen it advertised yet. I will see it first chance I get. I hope it comes out on DVD too.
Last I heard was they they are still looking to hook up with a distributor. Can't say I know what that means other than I can't get a DVD or see it in the theater yet. :)

I just started re-reading this book again. I cannot wait to see the movie. There was a screening over the summer at the Philly Film Festival, but I was unable to make it down for that. Hopefully they get it into theaters soon.
Its on Netflix with an unknown release date. I added it to my queue so that I can get it as soon as it releases.
The DVD will be released next Tuesday November 8th. It seems to have gone directly to DVD with only a few select movie screenings over the past couple of years.

A friend of mine saw a screening in Portland, OR and was not that impressed. Anyone planning to purchase this DVD or watch it on Netflix?
If I get a chance to buy the DVD I will. Hard to beat "The Movie" though.
I just watched the dvd a few minutes ago. Its a good story and fills nitch with dyed in the wool flly guys. And i liked better than The river runs though it. Gary Borger is the casting double for the actor just like in "The Movie".
i never read the book and I'm sure they edited out alot of key stuff from the book. But its agreat film and really deals with a guy finding his pupose.
I just saw the movie last night through Amazon on my Roku box; ($2.99 to rent or $9.99 to buy). I must say that I was not overly impressed with it. It seemed somewhat flat to me. There was not enough character buidling and story development to make you care much about the outcome. I read the book 2 times and loved it each time through. The movie did try to follow the same story line, but somehow did not seem to transition very well between scenes. I think if it were a several part TV mini series they may have had time to really develop a story and characters, but trying to pack everying into just 90 minutes left me wanting more.

I loved the great scenery shots of the pacific northwest. I had visited Oregon a little over a year ago and was amazed at the diversity of the landscape out there from the lushness of Eastern Oregon to the high desert of the central part of the state.

I would give this 3 out of 5 stars. The book I would give 5.

I only got about of the third of the way through the book so far and I must say i'm really excited to meet the Queen.

Haven't seen the movie.
I bought the DVD yesterday. Have not had a chance to watch it yet. After I do I'll post again.
I watched the DVD this afternoon. I have not read the book but thought the movie was good. I think I will get a copy of the book the first chance I get.
I haven't seen any new fly-fishing books of interest lately. But, this piques my interest, and I am going to have my wife buy me a DVD for Christmas. I read the book twice and enjoyed it, so I would hope to enjoy a video, too.
My girlfriend and I watched this movie on Saturday. I have never read the book so I can't judge on how well the movie portrayed the book. I can tell you about the movie though. In my opinion, it sucked. The story was all over the place. They sure didn't promote catch and release in the movie too well either, which is weird considering the ongoing fight out in the Pacific Northwest in protecting their fisheries. No wonder the movie went right to dvd.
Direct to DVD? Damn. That's like a death kiss in the Hollywood world.
Geez, maybe I don't want my wife to get it for me for Christmas!
rrt wrote:
Geez, maybe I don't want my wife to get it for me for Christmas!
The movie really is not bad. I must agree with the post about catch and release though. The kid kept every Trout he caught. No way one person could eat that many fish.
Hey, WTT: I student taught in Sugar Valley in 1971 -- maybe your grandparents!
I was hoping that I would find the movie wonderful, but I didn't. It was a somewhat pleasant afternoon's diversion, but I am glad I didn't pay the big bucks to see it in a theater. Nice scenery, though. The book, as with "A River Runs Though It," is much, much better.