The Perfect Fisherman!



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
How many can call themselves, The Perfect Fisherman! Thinking of my past, I wonder! Car broke down, Kids being bad, not happy at work, divorce, drinking too much, credit card debt, getting in trouble with the law, bad choices! Yep! sounds like me to a tee! The slope downhill was very steep! Falling and falling evermore into a deep undesirable fast current of destruction!

However, I never quit fishing, seemed to me the only place I did not get into trouble. When fishing in solitude my mind would roll back and forth, "is this the end, or is this the new beginning of a life I can have some control of". I was complete in "out of control". So what do I have to loose. It must have been the slow flow of rolling water, the smell of the woods, the singing bird, the hunting mink, the beauty of the "now". Well, I think on a certain day of fishing, "I surrendered". I was tired of "me". I wanted more, to become the Perfect Fisherman.

Consouling, hanging with positive fishermen, with positive mind sets, accepting the good over the bad, learning from the teachers instead of telling them, "I know it all:. Life started to get better and better! As it got better and better, i started to get happier and happier

Now as of 8/21/19, i seem to be very happy in my life. And i must add, fishing had a very big part in that happiness. So, i always try to give back a little to, "what saved my life".

Am i the perfect fisherman, well no. Am i still trying, Yes. Everyone has trouble in life but i sure do admire the one's that stop it in the beginning,

So, i will keep fishing till the end and know at least i tried!

? Are you the Perfect Fisherman, or maybe on the road to being one!
Maxi, If I ever felt I achieved perfection in anything, I'd quit. That includes fishing.

It's like the old story of the fisherman who dies and thinks he has gone to heaven. He is catching a 2 lb trout on every case, day after day.

After a few days of this, he realizes he isn't in heaven.

But I understand your point.

As long as you are happy, that's all that matters. Hopefully I will reach that point before I buy the farm.

Oh wait...
Perfect? Haha.

On the road? You bet. Forever on that road shall I be. The day it ends is the day I stop fishing.
I am perfectly happy when I fish. Does that count?
Maxima normally your posts confuse me and leave me shaking my head as to what you are even talking about. This post with everything you said I thought you were talking about me. Life has not been easy or always fun. I always say that with All the B.S. I went through the only thing that has kept me sane is fishing. After almost 40 years with a fly rod in hand I am far from perfect , in fact I learn something new every time out. And today I even finally understood one of your posts.
Perfection the unachievable goal,at least from my vantage point. Sometime it's the right cast a perfect hook set a good fish tugging and a quick release. Most of the time it's try again. Perfection is an unachievable goal. I'm still trying. Life goes on. GG
I think there is more to Maxi's post than some are commenting on, and I apologize of I steered this towards just the art of fishing. That part was meant to be a joke.

I think he is asking if we are happy with what we have done for the sport.

Apparently he is, and that is great.

If that is his way of challenging us to evaluate ourselves individually, kudos to him.

If it is his way of bragging? Don't care.

IF it is his wa of suggesting we are not worthy, then ... again, I don't care.

For me, it doesn't matter what he or anyone else thinks of me. It only matters what I think of me. I don't do good deeds to impress anyone.

But in fairness to Maxi, I think it was the first one. Challenging us to evaluate ourseives.

Am I happy with what I have done so far for the sport of fly fishing?

None of your business. ;-)

Ok, of course not. So I will keep working on it. ... some day. ;-)

There is no such thing, but it is nice to being close to perfection.