The new flyfisher



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Anyone watch it lately with the carp near lake Ontario ? they used 9 wt. setups. big powerful fish .
I have it recorded. May watch it tonight.
That's on WFN right? I saw there's going to be a Fly Fusion show on there also soon. I don't have it here. Not sure if it's on an upgraded Comcast package but $160 a month is enough already...
Yep. Watched it tonight. I've hooked two carp while fly fishing for something else. They both broke me off. When I was younger I spent many a summer weekend morning setting up my spinning rods on the Bohemia River just south of Chesapeake City, MD fishing for carp. They were a blast on spinning tackle. A carp is the biggest fresh water fish I've caught, probably weighed close to 40 lbs. Fell for ball of boiled corn meal flavored with sugar and vanilla.