The Light Cahill (with Uncle John)



Jul 2, 2013
This was a fun one to film! In this video, I did a "Q & A" session with my Uncle John, who is in his eighties and has been tying for over 50 years. It's great picking his brain, plus he went further and tied a Light Cahill (Catskill-style). During the tying, he shared a few tips that definitely can help those wanting to tie this pattern.


Really enjoyed that one Tim.

Your best video yet, IMO.

Looking forward to more Uncle John videos - he's awesome!
Thats a great vid Tim. You are blessed to Have Uncle John in your life.

Uncle John seems like a great guy!
Bet it's fun fishing with him.
Mike B
Thanks for the kind words, everyone; I really appreciate them. Having Uncle John in my life is an absolute blessing and I wish everyone had a mentor like him.

I always like your videos but if I'm to be honest it was a little slow to develop. Ironically I later liked the slowness of the video when it came to the actual tying. I found that I was able to keep up with the tie as I followed along with the video. Normally I'm pausing and starting the videos multiple times for each new fly I tie. For that you get a solid A. Nice job.
Thanks for the kind words, and we're glad the video has been enjoyed by others.
