The last one



Apr 5, 2017
Fly fishing has been a major part of my life since the age of 12. By the age of 16 I mostly fly fished for Trout with my favorite pole the Shakespeare Presidential rod. Since 1967 every Spring and Summer I was on the streams fishing. West Virginia, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Pennsylvania.

I'm worried that my fishing days are numbered due to health problems. Last year was a bad year and I only got out once. I'm looking forward to fishing this year but also realize that the next Trout I catch might be my last. No regrets, it's been a hell of a adventure. Enjoy your fishing fellas and don't sweat the small stuff, it goes by way too fast.
Don't count yourself out. I once saw an elderly man with a walker in the Kettle Creek FFO. In the creek. It was inspiring. Good luck to you and hope you have a great season.
Sorry to hear of your decliniing health.
Here's hoping you can muster up enough strength to get out some more.

This brings to my mind an incident that happened to me on Penns Creek, many years ago now.
I was fishing the green drake hatch, at the long pool just downstream of where Cherry Run comes in.

And met a fellow there with a prosthetic arm, who was still able to FF.
I was just amazed watching him change flies, and be able to deliver a decent cast.
He told me that he wasn't gonna let losing an arm keep him from the sport he loves.

Something I'll never forget

Don't give up. Keep at it. I think I'm about your age (I'm 71), and despite some rickety joints (esp right knee) and some other stuff, I try to get out. It often takes me 2 hours to fish sections that I used to fish in 1 1/2 hours. A place I call the 5-Minute Pool because it took me five minutes to walk there from where I accessed the creek now takes closer to 15 minutes for me to get there.

Keep at it. Maybe being on the water will help improve your health.

Good luck, both with your health and on the water.

I'll second what has already been said.

Even if you're unable to get out on the water, keep hanging out here on PAFF. There are many newbies and young guys who would benefit form you sharing your experience and stories.
Sorry for your health issues. Story I have is not related to FF. Years ago while hunting, I must have been in my 30's. I was draging a doe out , and near my truck there was an old man in a PA tuxedo sitting against a tree with his M 70 across his lap eating a sandwich. We talked and I found out he was in his early 80's. I said I hope to be his age and still hunt.He said son, I never missed a hunting season except for wwii. I hope when I go it's in a place like this, doing what I love. Great man, I'll never forget him.
Fishermans Paradise on Spring Creek is a nice place to fly fish for people with limited mobility.

It's a no wading zone, so you fish from the bank.

There are picnic tables there and porta-potties and you'll meet flyfishers from all over PA and beyond.
rrt wrote:

Don't give up. Keep at it. I think I'm about your age (I'm 71), and despite some rickety joints (esp right knee) and some other stuff, I try to get out. It often takes me 2 hours to fish sections that I used to fish in 1 1/2 hours. A place I call the 5-Minute Pool because it took me five minutes to walk there from where I accessed the creek now takes closer to 15 minutes for me to get there.

Keep at it. Maybe being on the water will help improve your health.

Good luck, both with your health and on the water.

Man, I'm 71 . You sound like too fish a lot slower.
Hunter 1 et. al.,

LyB's post does make guys my age think. What he said: The next trout I catch could be my last. Also in my case: The next turkey I tag could be the last (as I can't get to some of the rugged places where I used to find turkeys).

Just yesterday a local 70-yr-old with no apparent health problems died unexpectedly. Though not an avid angler, he was an avid bowhunter who did it the right way. (After he saw "A River Runs Through It," he and one of his sons got me to try to give them a little help. We went to a good spot, and wouldn't you know it, the fish weren't biting on my favorite fly of the time.) So, I guess you just don't know.

I don't want to be morbid with this, so I just think that we should try to keep doing the things we like to do as long as we can, though we might have to make a few modifications.

For, LkyB: Try to get out and do as much as you can and work to overcome the health issues you have. Maybe a trout or two at the end of your line will help you out! Good luck.

As long as I’m ambulatory to get to the water and can make a cast- I will fly fish.

Probably didn’t even know I was doing it for 5 to 10 years but now my goal in fly fishing and life is to catch all the native Trout-Salmon in the United States. And maybe that’s crazy but believe it or not I’m down to just a handful of fish left , some of them are very remote and difficult to access which I’m at the point in my life now where I don’t really want a backpack for several days over steep mountains. So I’m now looking to pack animals outfitters to reach a few very difficult to access fish.

Paiute Cutthroat
Rio Grande Cutthroat Pecos strain
Little Kern Rainbow
Kern Rainbow (fished for , had 2 on and couldn’t land)
CA Golden trout - from Golden Trout Creek aka Volcano creek
Eagle Lake Rainbow
Pink Salmon - aka humpy crapped out in AK, my 13 year old step son catches one though, how about that 13 year old catches all 5 pacific salmon, artic char and Dolly varden. Ugh!!
Lake Trout
Atlantic Salmon ( most likely a landlocked )
Wild tiger - would be a nice to have

Sometimes I get frustrated with myself because I didn’t know I was doing this and was in a remote area and could’ve just spent one or two more days 15 years ago fishing for these things now I’m backtracking.

I joke with my buddies but I haven’t really had a leisurely fishing trip where I’m just going staying at a cabin, drift or wade a couple rivers and have leisurely lunch and drinks , these trips more like business trips that fill me with anxiety until I’m catching what I planned for, what traveled via planes, miles of dirt roads and hiking over mountains.

Maybe I’ll write a book someday. I fish all the time whether it’s actual fishing or in my mind.
FWIW: Oak Orchard has a fair number of Landlocked that run in the fall. A good bet to catch or at least hook one. I managed two in my trips there. Your right ,that isn't a big list . A tip of the hat to you. GG
I figure I have a few more stream side adventures left in my old carcass. The past 2 years have been a bust and 2021 has got to be better. I plan on making the Jam in May and that keeps me going >I''s a goal I set sort of like my knee surgery that was done in February one year and I swore I get to the Jam in May. I made it. I'm planning an April trip to Georgia to shake off the cob webs in my casting arm. I ain't dead yet. GG
You could always hire a guide to take you out in a drift boat. Costly, I know, but at least you can have a great day on the water with no worries.

I'd offer to take you out in mine, but I see you are far west from me. Although I have floated the Allegheny several times. Not sure when I will go again, but if you are interested and I have an open seat, I would be more than happy to take you.

My Dad is 81 and still has many good fishing days left in him. He does not like to go alone anymore, but I plan to take him on a pier in FL to get some fishing time this March. It is nice with Saltwater in a lot a places because you can fish from a pier easily. Not fly fishing of course.

The best way to remain connected is to stay involved with it in any capacity you can. Even if your days of physically fishing may be winding down, stay active with the ancillary aspects of fly fishing (TU, watershed groups, fly tying clubs, etc.). The day a person waves the white flag on an avocation or passion is the day they die. Keep grinding, keep going, and you may just surprise yourself!

You ought to write a book. There have not been (m)any good fly-fishing books lately. It would be nice to see one.


Try to keep at it. ( I was 'at it' this morning, but unfortunately is was shoveling snow. As I say in the summer, I hate mowing grass, but compared to shoveling snow, I love it.) Do all you can to overcome your health issues; don't give in.
We're all getting there on the installment plan. Some sooner and some later and some haven't realized it quite yet. But all headed in the same direction, nonetheless.

Time is a merciless conqueror. But that doesn't mean we can't wage guerilla warfare against the invader as the occupation progresses. Give him all he can handle and let him know he's been in a fight he'll remember..

You've been given a lot of good advice here. All the best and remember we are all comrades in arms in this fight.
My son was just getting into flyfishing and also tying. He was killed when he was just 15.

My shoulder and knees are wearing out and the fire just isn't there anymore. Once I am on the stream if I see fish rising it helps.

I had a guy give me a hard time last year because I was floating a medium sized river in my small pontoon. I didn't bother arguing about it but little did he know it might be the only way I can even fish that stretch anymore.

Good luck and stay safe. No fish or deer is worth your life.
I've been thinking about what I'll do when I can no longer wade trout streams.

Some ideas:

I know some trout streams where I can fish from the bank or walk a short distance along a railroad track and fish from there to rising trout without even having to "boot up."

The first fishing I ever did was for panfish with a bobber and worms. Many flyfishers seem to think thhis is some sort of degraded fishing. I totally disagree. It's lots of fun. You can fish from the bank, sitting on a lawn chair. And there are warmwater ponds and lakes over most of PA, so most people will not have to drive far. Some of the lakes are stocked with trout, so you can catch those as well as panfish.

Buy a bass boat. But maybe the loading and unloading of the boat would be more strenuous than wading streams. It might be ideal to have one tied up at a dock at some marina, so you could just climb in and go, without the hassles of trailering a boat.
leakyboots! How did you know how i feel! I always thought of 2 ways!

Some say you are a number and will be replaced! I agree! Replacement! Yes it is coming Depends on how you look at it.

Leave as "Fool or Cool". You will be replaced! Secret to all meaning, leave "Cool", many fools will follow, Get that i have one more time out of your head! The Cool in you will tell you, the best time, is the last time! Brother of brothers. Keep it clear, the last time is always better than the first time.

Keep on keepin on!

Cool or fool? Where do you want to be when the bell rings at the last round! Well, i would like to have known, i threw the last punch!


Just my $0.02 but I think every angler should ponder what Lkyboots is conveying. Cherish the time that you have on the water and in the woods. This is a notion that should apply to everyone. Be thankful for your time.

I hope you have many more seasons Lky. Stiff upper lip.