The Last Guide



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
It‘s been said that there are several stages in a fisherman’s life. The first stage is when you just want to be able to catch a fish. The second stage is when you want to catch the most fish, the third stage is when you want to catch the biggest fish, and perhaps another one of the latter stages is when you want to catch the most difficult to fool fish. However, no matter what stage you may be in, the stage of your life - fishing or otherwise - that you’re most likely to be remembered for is when you share your knowledge with others so that they may also be successful.

That’s the stage that many of you on this forum are in, and I, for one, am very grateful for what I’ve learned from you on this Forum.

Some may have previously seen this video, but if you haven’t seen it (and have an hour or so to spare) you may enjoy watching it:

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It‘s been said that there are several stages in a fisherman’s life. The first stage is when you just want to be able to catch a fish. The second stage is when you want to catch the most fish, the third stage is when you want to catch the biggest fish, and perhaps one of the latter stages is when you want to catch the most difficult to fool fish. However, no matter what stage you may be in, the stage of your life - fishing or otherwise - that you’re most likely to be remembered for is when you share your knowledge with others so that they may also be successful.

That’s the stage that many of you on this forum are in, and I, for one, am very grateful or what I’ve learned from you on this Forum.

Some may have previously seen this video, but if you haven’t seen it (and have an hour or so to spare) you may enjoy watching it:

That was awesome.
What an awesome story/video. Talk about being dedicated to something you love!

Also, I found it funny what he said about being buried face down. :)
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It‘s been said that there are several stages in a fisherman’s life. The first stage is when you just want to be able to catch a fish. The second stage is when you want to catch the most fish, the third stage is when you want to catch the biggest fish, and perhaps another one of the latter stages is when you want to catch the most difficult to fool fish. However, no matter what stage you may be in, the stage of your life - fishing or otherwise - that you’re most likely to be remembered for is when you share your knowledge with others so that they may also be successful.

That’s the stage that many of you on this forum are in, and I, for one, am very grateful for what I’ve learned from you on this Forum.

Some may have previously seen this video, but if you haven’t seen it (and have an hour or so to spare) you may enjoy watching it:

I can relate. While I've pigeon holed myself into a specific style of fishing, I've done most types that PA has to offer. Many years/ hours spent toiling, watching, failing and and had progressive success over the years.

I've tried to share that info and expose anglers to that style of fishing. I think I've been successful. Out of 10 people, 3 hated it, 3 loved it and the other 4 enjoyed the experience but felt it wasn't their cup of tea. I take almost the same level of enjoyment watching another catch a fish as I do getting a fish in an impossible lie to eat a fly.
I’d sure be happy to learn from someone like that. I have my “mentor” who has shown me the Upper Delaware for 3 years, but I am always looking for knowledge. Maybe it’s the scientist that’s still in me, the new-found love of fly fishing, but I’m still hungry to learn in my retirement.
You never stop learning. That's a bonus and a curse in this sport
Great watch, Mt Fly! Kray, .300 is a pretty good batting average 👍