The Greatest Fish of my life lost.



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
This was one of my most amazing yet most dissapointing outtings yet. The excitement came when i hooked into a HUGE brookie. This thing was 26in easy! After being so proud of finally throwing everything at him and him finally taking my rubberlegged copper john i lost it when it flew into his shallow hiding hole. So i moved up stream and breached myself up on a slanted tree. This was kind of funny because the old bait thrower across the stream was like "Are you going for that palomino?" And i yelled back, what palomino i dont even see it. Then he says, "Oh yea theres 3 in here." So i look around and out of the structure he comes cruising down. BAM! he smacks my pheasant tail and i quickly set the hook. It was so meant to be. I was so excited when i seen him fly upstream. Since i was halfway up a slanting tree i was in a bad position to maneuver him. He quickly darted around and flew into his home of branches and SNAP! there went my line ;(

All my photos again are posted in the gallery. Heres a little clip i got of a nice bow that gave me long hard runs.

Another funny thing is both the fish snapped my line above my foam indicator, so you see a green indicator floating on the stream bobbing up and down and then it moves when the fish swim. Also i went back up to th palomino hole and a dude caught it and returned my nymph to m, how about that.
well its not much consolation but at least you got the fly back! :-D
sorry to hear about that brookie. just remember lesson learned....always be ready.