That Smell



Active member
Feb 12, 2008
New Cumberland PA
Picked up a couple big bows on the middle Breeches today. Is it my imagination or do stocked trout (especially chewed up rainbow slabs) smell really fishy compared to a stream born brownie? Do they stink because they are slowly dying? Because they are stocked? Do bows have a different smell? These are important questions to ponder as the open water shuts down for a month. Listening to Skynyrd will help.
I've noticed this too. The stocked bows definitely leave my net smelling worse than wild fish I typically target. Not sure what causes it though.
Right now in Lancaster County all I can smell is manure. Guess that will be heading right into the nearest creeks.
JeffP -- It's not just Lancaster County. Blair County is getting "painted" with liquid manure, too. The stench is unbearable, and as you note, a lot of it runs off into the streams. Sometimes you can smell it in the water. I'd prefer to smell a stocked rainbow or two.
Not sure about different smells between wild and stocked fish.
But different stream areas have smells of their own.

As mentioned, the ones in farm country have the liquid manure odor - mostly in spring time.

I can also tell when I'm below a sewage treatment discharge, by its rather unique smell
JeffP -- It's not just Lancaster County. Blair County is getting "painted" with liquid manure, too. The stench is unbearable, and as you note, a lot of it runs off into the streams. Sometimes you can smell it in the water. I'd prefer to smell a stocked rainbow or two.
There is a big pig farm right next to where I teach. It really has been bad lately.
Stocked trout are feed produced feed made with Menhaden(bunker, pogies) . They are an oily fish that has a strong fishy smell to it. Perhaps that carries over into the trout.

Another fish that has a unique aroma is Rainbow smelt. They have always smelled like cucumbers to me, but others I’ve fished with claim it smells like watermelon.
Stocked trout are feed produced feed made with Menhaden(bunker, pogies) . They are an oily fish that has a strong fishy smell to it. Perhaps that carries over into the trout.

Another fish that has a unique aroma is Rainbow smelt. They have always smelled like cucumbers to me, but others I’ve fished with claim it smells like watermelon.
I had never realized that.

I can attest that when bunker schools are thick in the ocean or surf zone, you can smell them. On a dark beach you may know you are in the right place even before you can see any bait or predators showing.

Maybe I should use my nose to find them stockers too ;)
I had never realized that.

I can attest that when bunker schools are thick in the ocean or surf zone, you can smell them. On a dark beach you may know you are in the right place even before you can see any bait or predators showing.

Maybe I should use my nose to find them stockers too ;)
If you want a real eye opener, take a dive into the commercial fishery of menhaden.

I've noticed this too. The stocked bows definitely leave my net smelling worse than wild fish I typically target. Not sure what causes it though.
Can't smell as bad as some of the people I fish with. 🤣
There used to be a guy with a screen name on here of “SmellyTroutHole”, or something like that. Maybe he was on to something.
I don't know about "That Smell" of the fish, but I do know if you leave your wet waders in your car overnight after fishing the YB, you will definitely have that smell.
I don't generally take a sniff of the fish I catch... not even if I'm killing them. They all smell fishy when I toss them in the freezer.
There is often a really foul odor on the LIttle J up by the train bridges and tunnels. I guess I never realized that was from the trout.
I had never realized that.

I can attest that when bunker schools are thick in the ocean or surf zone, you can smell them. On a dark beach you may know you are in the right place even before you can see any bait or predators showing.

Maybe I should use my nose to find them stockers too ;)
For sure. The bunkers smell. Blues have a distinct odor, too, as do the trout (weakfish). Actually they all do come to think of it. Big difference in odor between, say, a smooth dog and a horn dog (spiny dogfish). Taste, too. Never knew the pellets were composed of bunker. Wonder how long that taste takes to get out of the rainbows?