That Last Cast....Another Mute Adventure!



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
When you were about to fish a different hole, or go home, its that last cast that mattered. Had him twice before on a Hares Ear and a copper john. After i managed to screw up both those hook sets i figured he was done looking at my patterns. Threw a few more, nothing more then a dodge out of the way. Tied on a little pinkish egg, got a few 12 inch bows. But still, the big boy in the school didn't want it. Went to a brand new bright orange bigger size egg, Cast..Perfect drift....Inhaled, BAM! HOOK SET! Happy that i caught the 2 biggest fish in the whole stream, i wanted to leave on a good note and here i am.


Lol ok, since it seems like you are one of the interested ones, i will youtube them for you.
You tubed at the top!
87 views and 1 reply!!
bump? By the way, thegabber, do you drive a red Dakota? Do you fish in a white hat?
Bump? Dude, its the weekend...theres football on...if you need someone to come out and pat you on the back for going fishing, get a girlfriend. Nice pics BTW, feel better? We all like the pics...but don't beg us to stroke you.
My girlfiend does the stroking, but thanks for caring. 200 views and 2 replies, pitiful. And i know um sure 290 of them were "guests" who may not have permission to reply. Figured id post some nice pictures of a outing and get a few replies. , thanks.
Mute, seriously - did you just take a sh*tload of pix on Pickering after they stocked and want all kinds of feedback?

Nice work, way to get them to take the pink egg.
Thank You, oh Thank You! Hmm perhaps i am in the wrong section of the site, thought this was a DISCUSSION forum.
what kind of camera do you use? I would like to get a water proof camera so I could keep some fish, in the jpeg/mpeg4 format.
Gus, i have the olympus stylus 720. Its a great camera, will cost you only $160ish online for used/refurbished. Or you can go for the pentax optio w30 which is a bit more expensive.
Mute, if you want discussion, start one. Ask a question make a statement...hit us with a new theory about why your day was great...poting pics and video on a weekend is just sharing. Appreciated but not thought provoking. Then you kind of complain that no one replies. Fear not, tomorrow is Monday and at some point people will need a break or six and be checking in...

Gus does ask a good question...You mentioned your camera before..mine just died and I am impressed by the video your still camera captures...I like the idea of waterproof too...I looked it up and couldn't find it for anywhere near that price...where did you get it for so little?

I would also beware of steering people to the pentax Optio anything...this was my last camera and it drains batteries even when off. My father in law has the same one and the same problem...I sent it in to Pentax and they want 150 to fix it...I can buy twice the camera for that I'm not recommending Pentax to anyone.
Thegamber, sorry be being so uptight. It's just i havent targetted trout since, well, early july from last season? So ive been waitng for the fall stocking to get a few on the end of my line. Where i got mine and you can get one at a low price is ebay. Olympus the company sells them on there under the account, "Olympus.auctions". They sell for $150-$180. Of course theyre refurbished, th eoutside bodies might have a few scratches but other then that evrything is fully functional. Id save $100 for a few scratches any day. Very interesting about the pentax, never heard that before, ive seen sample pics of the pentax vs the stylus and theyre very similiar, the only thing i know about the pentax is operation is easier, ex: changig modes and such
A nice brown with a hooked jaw caught today,