TFO Rods



Active member
Aug 9, 2010
The good, bad, and ugly. What are everyones opinions on them?

I was thinking about picking up one of the Lefty TiCr X series rods in 8wt for Steelhead and such. Any thoughts or concerns?

If I like it, I would also want to pick up a 3wt in the Spring (something small, maybe 7'6''-7'). So if anyone has any recommendations (TFO or not), for that rod I'd love to hear them.
They're ugly.

I have two Jim Teeny rods, a 10' 5wt and a 9' 8wt. The 10' is sublime to use, the 9' is too fast for my tastes, and I overlined it with a 10wt line, because I had them.

I have no interest in their TiCR rods, because they're advertised as extremely fast.

I had interest in a Clouser until I saw it, and it was so truly epically ugly that I wrote it off and bought the second Teeny without even trying it out. Yes, looks do matter.

If I didn't already like the 10' Teeny I owned, I would've looked hard what LL Bean sold the range I was looking for.

I have a 6'6" LL Bean rod. The 2 piece. The cheapest one they sell, I think that's the Quest2 and not the Streamlight. Its fast with a 3DT, and wonderful with a 4WF. If I had a 3WF, I bet it'd be pretty sharp with that, too. It cost $80 and comes with a lifetime, no questions asked _satisfaction_ garuntee. If it breaks, or I just don't like it, I walk in and they give me a new one or credit for it. That's awesome.

If they sold a longer 3wt or 2wt, or any 1wt, I'd have bought that too. Any new rod purchase I want, I would probably see what Bean's got and if I like it or not.
I have no experience with TFO rods. I prefer Sage and G. Loomis myself. I also like Diamondback. Several years ago I bought a Diamondback All-American 9'6" 8 weight for steelhead fishing. I think I'm finally going to get my chance at some of those Erie steelheads this fall. I can't wait. Back to TFO, they have a good warranty. I would cast it before I bought it though.
I guess I should talk about budget, as I like G. Loomis and Sage stuff as well (however I like keeping the lights on more than I like those rods). The TiCr X is 249 and the lefty Finesse (the 3wt I was looking at) is about $179.

gfen, how much does the Teeny stiff run? (EDIT: Never mind about the pricing, I found it via google). Unfortunately Teeny doesn't have a shorty 3wt. You're not coming to the Upper Dela jam are you?

Also, I'm confused. Does he make his rods from specially formulated TFO blanks?
I bought the 10' used from another member, I liked it enough I bought the 9' on sale for $200 with a reel, sold the reel to another member, and ended up with the rod at a steal of a price. had them when I last checked in 6 and 8wt 9'.

TFO and Teeny had a partnership where he "designed" the blank, and then he stuck his name on it, FWIW. Now I guess there's some acrimony between the two I'm not familar with. With that, Teeny is a Pacific coast steelhead and salmon fisher, and supposedly these rods are designed for that. I am not, and cannot comment, but my brother who is a Pulaski goer did remark that the 5wt was a good, but light, steel head rod. -shrug- I don't know what meant, and don't care. The guy I bought it from had used it in Erie for a few fish, he may choose to comment.

I won't speak for him, but I will insult him gleefully when he shows up in the thread. Oh, and he will.. Mark my words. :)

I know he also owns and really likes that 6'6" Bean rod, and while he was not a consideration when I bought it, the man knows rods and Bean well, so it was another vote of confidence.

My attendance to the Del jam is as fickle as my attendance to the Stocktoberfest, fickle and due to change as my feelings ebb and flow in the days leading up to it. However, I will say as to not bank on it, I think it was further than I felt like travelling.
While I can't personally comment on the higher end TiCR X rods, I own two finesse rods and on the lighter side of fishing, say small to medium streams, I think the finesse rods are excellent.

I have also read lots of reviews on rods, and in one 5 weight review, the 5 weight finesse out classed the 5 weight TiCR X.

I personally own the 7'3" 2 weight and the 7'9" 4 weight. The four weight is my work horse, it goes on every fishing trip, including the river. I just feel comfortable with the moderate length and the moderate action.

I think the finesse series rods are the nicest looking rods by TfO as well. As far as a 3 weight goes I would check out the 7'9" 3 weight, they also have an 8'9" 3 weight. Considering how much I like my two rods I would bet either 3 weights would have a great feel and action to them. They are a little on the slow side, but I like that.

I may even end up with another finesse rod down the road, but they run on the shorter side, I wouldn't mind picking up a 10' 5 weight sometime in the future just for smallies. My 7 weight is pretty stiff.
Get a 10' 8wt for steel, salmon, bass, etc. You will thank yourself. 10'.
Tell you the truth, I was goin' to get the 7'9" 3 weight myself the other year, but I got the 4 weight instead to replace my 4 weight St.Croix I broke.

I got 2 weight cause I wanted a signifant difference in feel, action, weight from my 4 weight.

I absolutely love the 2 weight, just got a few weeks ago I think I'll be at the Breeches tommorow again with the #2. I got laughed at the other week for having a 2 weight on the Breeches. Thats's OK though, the one rainbow I landed in the short time I was there gave me a great fight on the little rod. The rod cast pretty nice for just a #2.

I don't know how set on a #3 you are, here is a review on the #2 TfO finesse, honestly they took points away on the appearance and for not having a rod case, I really think the rods look nice I don't like flashy glitzy rods any way. It is shorter than the #3 and feels really light.
I was counting on getting a 10' 8wt.

I was looking at the Finesse series for my 3wt, probably the 7'9'' as well. I want a 3wt because right now, my bread and butter (and only rod) is a 6wt. I want something very different.

gfen, if you come, which seems unlikely, it's probably more unlikely that you'd bring that 10' isn't it?
Wow, a 6 weight to start.

When I started I had a 5/6 weight is was a little heavy for my liking, especially since I couldn't find a stocking truck and was surrounded by brookies. lol

In that case, a 3 or 4 weight should probably be your next rod.

With a 3 and 6 weight you'll pretty much have everything covered for most of your fresh water fishing.
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I wanted a 6wt because I was fishing some still water and then got into streams/rivers. My one local favorite, the Salmon River, is well suited for a 6wt but some smaller favorites, 9 Mile Creek, Owasco & Skaneateles Creek (Spring Creek and Little Fishing , not so local), are a little more suited for something lighter, hence the 3wt. I was thinking 4wt for the smaller stuff, but I figured if I'm going to go small, I want to go smaller than a 4.
If you want to wait until the Delaware Jam I will bring 8' 3wt, 8' 4wt, and 9' 4wt and you can give them all a try. This will give you an idea of the difference between 3wt and 4wt, which I think is substantial.
I would buy from one of these companies first before I would consider TFO at least theses companies don't support the SRC
Won't be at the jam, same day as my kids' birthday. Sorry.

I would've bought the 10' 5wt, its one of my regular rods. Its fun to use, easy to mend line and its got that old school wet fly mojo about it coz its long. Hah.

FWIW, my "do anything" trout rod is an 8' 4wt. I bought a 9' 6wt for smallies and bigger water, but hated it. Tried that 10' 5wt, loved it and its replaced the 6. A 6'6" 3wt was my "small" rod for tight water, and it can be difficult to fish.

The other stuff is all specialist, I guess, if I could be so vain. The 3/4/5 compose a nice quiver for anything from small streams to small rivers.

If I could do it over again, I wouldn't change (except not to buy the 6wt). My medium action 8' 4wt is versatile and generalist and if I only had one, its what I'd pick.
In the end, its all owned by Halliburton anyways, so why's it really matter? We're all corporate slaves.
Fredrick, what is the SRC?

jdaddy, thanks! The 'smaller' rod is definitely for something MUCH smaller than the Dela, but at least I'll be able to cast something and get a feel for it. I'm looking for something for tight quarters.

Has anyone fished the 'narrows' section of Fishing Creek? Is that 'too big' for a 3wt? I couldn't imagine it being so.
I wouldn't be caught dead in the narrows with a 3wt in spring. You could get away with it now, but I'd still rather not sacrifice the casting distance.

3wts are nice, but only as a specialty rod. If you don't have a 9'5wt, IMO you are really shorting yourself for trout fishing.
I have a 9'6wt, is that too heavy then?
And to answer your question, I think he's referring to Spring Ridge Club, owned by Donny Beaver.