Texas Co. Pays $93,710 for Polluting Clearfield County Ck



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
This just in from PFBC.

Texas Company Pays $93,710 Settlement
for Polluting Clearfield County Creek

Harrisburg, PA – A Houston drilling company has agreed to pay a $93,710 settlement in lieu of fines and civil damages to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) as a result of the company’s pollution of Clearfield County’s Little Laurel Run in late 2010.

EOG Resources, Inc. agreed to the settlement following investigations by PFBC waterways conservation officers and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) which determined that the substances the company released were deleterious, destructive or poisonous to fish. The substances first entered Little Laurel Run on Dec. 13, 2010, and affected the creek through March 22, 2011. Little Laurel Run has been designated as a high quality water under DEP regulations.

As part of the settlement, EOG also agreed to pay an additional $65,000 towards an environmental project of the PFBC’s choosing in the Laurel Run watershed. The money will be placed into a PFBC restricted account until a project is developed.

This is the fourth settlement EOG has reached with the PFBC this year. In April, the company settled charges involving three separate pollution incidents in Clearfield County.

During the period of Aug. 25, 2009, through Oct. 30, 2009, EOG allowed fluid from a pit to enter a spring located at the Sykesville Hunting Camp on Alex Branch and its tributaries. EOG paid $99,125 for this incident. On Oct. 10 and 11, 2009, EOG allowed well wash fluid containing surfactant to enter Alex Branch and its tributaries. EOG paid $10,000 for this incident. During the period of June 3, 2010, through Aug. 16, 2010, EOG allowed gas and a mixture of fresh water and well flowback water to flow into Little Laurel Run. EOG paid $99,500 for this incident.

Earlier this year, the PFBC introduced a toll-free hotline for the public to report suspected pollution incidents or fish kills. The number – 1-855-FISH-KIL (1-855-347-4545) – provides the public with a way to quickly alert PFBC staff to suspected environmental incidents.
article says this was the 4th violation. should have never happened. 3 strikes and your OUT!!
gotta get tough with these bastards, if one company doesn't want to take the time and money to do it right, I'm sure there is another one waiting in the wings that WILL do it right.
hopefully laurel run hasn't suffered from the spill. I actually fished it in the spring, unaware about the spill at the time, I did catch a few fish, but not many.
thanks for posting that Dave.
All just a drop in the bucket for these clowns! As long as it is more cost effective for them to pay the fines than do it the right way......... They will continue to ruin our woods, streams, and drinking water.
thank you kindly for this post , i have a few horses in this race in clearfield county meaning properties, i know what Amd looks like i hunt 200 acres that has a stream that once had a beautiful brook trout population in it ,full of lil white edged bright orange finned beauties decades ago,now it runs brigh orange,Btw this particluar stream holds a 62 degree temp during august .really hurts becuase i can imagine every seam oand rock where a Brookie would hold an you can cast a lil 6-7 foot rod without to much worry of a tangle.
I wish they would have just gone an done the waste coal to energy plant in clearfield .that would have gotten rid of a lot of seeps an the streams would get cleaner alot faster.
Waste money on them damn wind mills on Tyrone Mountain,gonna frack Sandy Ridge,already have plenty of coal damage that slowly is gettin repaired as best as can get done
breaks my darn heart
The fines need to be MUCH stiffer! $93000 just a drop in the bucket. These companies look at these fines as just the cost of doing business. Four times this company has had major violations. They would be out of Pa. and quick if I were in charge!!!
Ever see Fight Club? The scene on the plane where he's explaining the rationale to recall certain vehicles for repairs? That's what's going on here. (as in all companies)

If the fines are less than the cost of changing procedure, then they will continue to do so. Simple math unfortunately trumps protection of resources.

I heard recently that my county (Beaver) has seen 90-100 MILLION in bonus payments in the last 12 months. 93k is pennies.