Terrestrials on the Tully



Jul 3, 2007
Just checking to see if this is a common experience with terrestrials.

I fished the Tully this morning and before the trico hatch came on tied on a beetle imitation for fun. On the second cast it got absolutely slammed by a nice brown which eventually got off. I thought I'd found the ANSWER but a number of subsequent casts yielded nothing. I had a bit of luck with tricos then tied a beetle on again in tandem. Slammed again on the first cast and this one came to the net. Lots of additional casts and zilch.

The same thing happened one evening with a grasshopper imitation.

Anyone else have this happen routinely? It's like they can't resist initially, then turn up their noses.
Yep. Keep moving and finding new fish.

I've had some of my best days ever there after the trico crowds clear. Caddis and ant tandem!
Fished the Tully as well this morning and had some fun using terrestrials. Must say the Trico hatch was a bit exciting as well...

glad to hear the tricos are on up there, I was up last weekend and the trico hatch was non existent

Mind if I ask what general areas of the stream you were on?
Timmy T

If I recall your post about lack of Trico's, you were fishing the Palisades area? Correct me if I'm wrong.

The Palisades area will have trikes...but the hatch is a little sparse than other stretches. WHY, not exactly sure but it might be due to the light or lack of Sun light that hits the water in that stretch. Trikes like sun! Maybe the stream bottom too?

The Trikes will congregate along the "near" bank (walking path side down to stream), not against the cliff side. I think this is due to sun being able to reach the water on that side of the stream.

Try else where on the stream to catch the hatch. It has been very good this year, better than I have witnessed in the past 2 or 3 years.
I've tried beetle fishing on the Tully several times over the last couple years and have never had much success. I can beleive the ant fishing might be good, but I don't do a whole lot of that. Would rather see the explosion when they hit the beetle. I never really catch alot of rainbows on beetles anywhere so maybe that's the problem. Some of the area streams are great for beetle fishing right now. Others are spotty. Probably has alot to do with the surrounding terrain and how many real beetles the fish are exposed to on any given stream.