Temporary Substitute For Head Cement


Jan 28, 2007
I was at 2 fly shops on Friday and forgot to get head cement. Another senior moment. 🙁 Does anyone use a substitute that might be already in the house or available at a local drug store?
I was at 2 fly shops on Friday and forgot to get head cement. Another senior moment. 🙁 Does anyone use a substitute that might be already in the house or available at a local drug store?
Sally Hansen hard as nails nail polish If you need a pretty looking head. Liquid super glue if you just want it it be secure and move right along with your tying.

Really any nail polish works great. I have a bottle of black that I use on little bucktail streamers. The dollar store stuff is fine.
What’s head cement? Kidding of course. I haven’t bought fly tying head cement since the 80’s. Sally Hansen hard as nails (SHHAN) for me when I’m tying larger flies. When I need a substitute for SHHAN I use super glue or nothing, mostly nothing. When I’m tying little trout flies I use nothing.
Any lacquer, varnish or polyurethane will suffice if you don't want to drive to a drug store to buy nail polish. 😉
Wax your thread before you whip finish.
swipe the thread with crazy glue and wrap the head. all done
Honestly I stopped using head cement years ago other than on streamers. Hate the smell and bother. Any nail polish will work.
I whip finish twice and rarely use anything else to secure my wraps.
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Sally Hansen for me too. It's all I've used for over 30 years. I put a schmear of Sally's on the thread before I whip finish. If it's a streamer, I'll hit it again with Sally's on a bodkin to make sure that the head is tight.
I do use Dollar Store nail polish for painting beads or for wing cases of different colors.