Tangled with a Unicorn, Settled for a Pig



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2015
I lost one at the net that was pushing 24 inches yesterday! My consolation prize is below. Sorry for the bad pics. I was alone and rattled after my morning. I taped the second pig at 19.5 convinced he was over 20. The 24 incher still swims in an urban limestoner... Full story on my blog, as I can't go through the mental pain again. Anyone else ever get the adrenaline dry heaves after losing such a battle? Or do I need to see a therapist?


Nice................ I get that same rush when a snakehead hits my fly took me a bit to learn not to set the hook to fast and give them a chance eat it . Try this net it has done me well for trout and snakeheads and you cant beat the price .

Fredrick wrote:
Nice................ I get that same rush when a snakehead hits my fly took me a bit to learn not to set the hook to fast and give them a chance eat it . Try this net it has done me well for trout and snakeheads and you cant beat the price .


Thanks, Fred. Yeah, I may need a deeper net, not a larger one...
Nymph-wristed wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
Nice................ I get that same rush when a snakehead hits my fly took me a bit to learn not to set the hook to fast and give them a chance eat it . Try this net it has done me well for trout and snakeheads and you cant beat the price .


Thanks, Fred. Yeah, I may need a deeper net, not a larger one...

All the cool kids use this net ;-)
I see. Good to know. It will a save a lot of money on FishPond gear :-D
Read your blog... Awesome! Much respect for anyone who is so psyched about a fish he pukes because of it, ha ha. I can relate, I landed a fish the other day that got my legs shaking. I honestly couldn’t stand up, had to sit down for a bit to recoup.

You need a bigger net for sure... For me (a wading angler) I found the best option was the rising lunker net, with the short handle. You have to call and ask them for this option. I put the extra deep bag on it. I feel your pain, had a fat 25” + jump out of my fishpond last fall. Had to go with something bigger.
TJones wrote:
Read your blog... Awesome! Much respect for anyone who is so psyched about a fish he pukes because of it, ha ha. I can relate, I landed a fish the other day that got my legs shaking. I honestly couldn’t stand up, had to sit down for a bit to recoup.

You need a bigger net for sure... For me (a wading angler) I found the best option was the rising lunker net, with the short handle. You have to call and ask them for this option. I put the extra deep bag on it. I feel your pain, had a fat 25” + jump out of my fishpond last fall. Had to go with something bigger.

Thanks for the empathy, TJones! I fish alone a lot, so I need all the help I can get. I will shopping with my birthday money very soon...
if it makes you feel better, i just go into minor shock when landing big fish - blank eyes, mouth gaping etc.

there is photographic evidence of this.

btw thats a beautiful brown anywhere in the world.
geebee wrote:
btw thats a beautiful brown anywhere in the world.

Thanks on both, geebee. I think I have seen that look on a few of my selfies with big fish over the years!
Big Fish that are almost un-nettable can be a problem to wrangle up for a picture. I feel your pain. I've had a few swim off and they swim away so slow, but just out of reach, for you to net them again. I feel your pain!
Beautiful colors, big brown. Nice job.
Thanks for the empathy and the kudos, fellas. I am net shopping just in case...
I'd rather never hook the fish instead of losing it... knowing I choked on a big fish keeps me tossing and turning for weeks. I feel for you and have been there.
3oh4 wrote:
I'd rather never hook the fish instead of losing it... knowing I choked on a big fish keeps me tossing and turning for weeks. I feel for you and have been there.

Since I release everything I catch, if a big one slips the hook, than it's no big deal for me. I do like to at least see the fish before it gets off, but if I don't, at least I can tell everyone about the 30"+ hook-jawed behemoth I fooled...... ;-)
im still laughing at the title of this thread....
Thread title sounds like the theme for my dating days