Taking a toddler fly fishing



Jul 2, 2013
Hi all, and in my newest YouTube video, I share the pack and gear used to take a toddler fly fishing. I've learned a lot taking my son Angelo over the last few years, and am happy to share my experiences and tips with others. If you think of anything to share based on your own experiences, that would be awesome!


does he wade?

I have a 7 and a 4 year old. The 7 year old shows zero interest in fishing. Then again, he's autism spectrum, so, ok. The 4 year old, well, he's all about fishing.

We've done the bluegill pond thing a few times. Worms, bobber, you know the drill. Has to cast himself, of course. Only on the paw patrol rod. lol.

He also casts fly rods in the lawn and wants to try it. I'm not sure how to go about it. Want somewhere he'll actually catch fish, within 10 feet of shore and can backcast. Not sure how wading would go. Not buying him waders, he's growing like a weed! And, right now a complicating factor is he's in a cast that can't get wet, but that will go away in 3 or 4 weeks.

Open area ponds with bluegill and bass.

I dont remember where you live but plenty are out my way that meet your requirements. If interested let me know and i cant point you to many he will certainly catch fish in.