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No, I have not been taken by aliens! But mut computer was absconded by G##k Squad for over a month!! I am now talking to you on my 4th computer in less than 2 years.😡 A G##k Squad employee was nice enough to mention that "They don't make things like they used to." (Is there an icon to show tone deaf?). Now I am preparing for my eye surgery at the end of June/beginning of July so I plan my next swap for August. I just wanted my usual swap suspects to know.
Oh, I am keeping my finger in fly tying. I'm finally writing a series of books for beginner fly tyers. Planning on calling it the Pantry Serries - a series of books that will help a newer tyer build a pantry of cheap, easily available tying materials used in many fine patterns, include said patterns with tying directions. Just like a kitchen pantry is different based on the cuisine, these pantries will be based on the fish groupings. Books on the basic 4 trout (brook/brown/rainbow/cutthroat), predators (black bass/pike/musky), panfish (bluegills/sunfish), etc... It's been kicking around in my head for over 10 years and now's the time to get writing. Besides my last book was published in 1989! (I wonder if it was on stone or if wood tablets were in vogue by then!🙄).
Oh, I am keeping my finger in fly tying. I'm finally writing a series of books for beginner fly tyers. Planning on calling it the Pantry Serries - a series of books that will help a newer tyer build a pantry of cheap, easily available tying materials used in many fine patterns, include said patterns with tying directions. Just like a kitchen pantry is different based on the cuisine, these pantries will be based on the fish groupings. Books on the basic 4 trout (brook/brown/rainbow/cutthroat), predators (black bass/pike/musky), panfish (bluegills/sunfish), etc... It's been kicking around in my head for over 10 years and now's the time to get writing. Besides my last book was published in 1989! (I wonder if it was on stone or if wood tablets were in vogue by then!🙄).