Take a kid fishing



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Sometimes the idea of taking an 8 year old blue gill fishing seems like a chore. Hooks flying, lines tangled , snacks eaten, lots of argument on why we “just can’t net them” ( kids are smarter than adults ) and a worried mother somewhere. Despite all of this I thought it would be a great idea to take my 8 year old fishing this past weekend. I tried to make it all the harder by sticking a fly rod in his hand and targeting trouts . Day one started out great with several fish to hand and lots of pulling flies out of trees and knots untied. Day two was amazing thanks to the observation of an 8 year old. My son thought he saw a fly we had lost earlier floating down stream and boy am I glad he was wrong. It was a Drake where Drakes are not supposed to be. I put on a Drake cripple fly that has been and my box for several years and he proceeded to put on a clinic pretty much all on his own. I’ll admit it is a heavily stocked stream. However He got “it “ whatever it is. It is definitely up there with being on the Big Horn , Lee’s Ferry and the South Holsten for me. Seeing the boy bang fish on dries and enjoy it - come on! He hooked and landed a dozen trout in about two hours . A mix of wild and stocked fish. Put a rod in your kids hand and take them out and you may be blessed .

He insisted on keeping one.


  • casey trout.JPG
    casey trout.JPG
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Very nice Matt
Awesome... For him and you.
Cool man. Kid has caught more fish than me this year in two outings!
The kid is better than I am. Little brat! :-D
Awesome................. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Good job; great beard!
Well done. Did you use the garbage can lid to cook'em up?
Nice. Nothing tops the grin of a kid along side a grinning Dad. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Nice. Nothing tops the grin of a kid along side a grinning Dad. GG

Agreed, this is probably my favorite fishing picture, hopefully many more to come.
Very nice Matt. Congrats!

There should be a little more of this type of thread!

I've pretty much just accepted then when I take my son out, if I get any fishing in myself it is just a bonus. I agree it can really feel like a chore sometimes, well worth it though when that smile comes across their face.
And your smillle was wider than his!

Thanks for sharing