Tailing material for emergers



Mar 19, 2012
So I see a lot of emerger patterns that use antron and other similar materials for the trailing shuck on emergers. Have most of you found that to be more effective than a natural tailing material? I didn't have anything like that so last night I tied some up using darker mallard flank feathers for the trailing shuck and I thought they looked pretty realistic. Anyone use them for this purpose before? I tend to want to use natural materials when possible. I'm only a few weeks into fly tying so I don't have a ton of supplies yet so just went with something I had that I thought might work. Thanks for any help on this.
Mallard makes a great trailing shuck. Just keep it sparse.
I use mainly brown antron.
You can use a tuft of marabou or peacock if you want to give it some action. Prince nymphs work wells for Iso's...I think partyly b/c the peacock tails gives it some action similar to these hard swimming nymphs (and the white biots are somewhat like the white stripe in the back...)
PhilC wrote:
I use mainly brown antron.
You can use a tuft of marabou or peacock if you want to give it some action. Prince nymphs work wells for Iso's...I think partyly b/c the peacock tails gives it some action similar to these hard swimming nymphs (and the white biots are somewhat like the white stripe in the back...)

Are you thinking of a Zugbug? Prince nymphs don't have peacock tails.
Brown Antron or CDC gets my vote.
I wasn't sure about using CDC since I thought it might not sit low enough in the water but I guess you could wet that part prior to casting it out there.
Many soft hackle flies and emergers use mallard flank quite successfully.
alright thanks, I do like the look of the mallard flank for the shuck and have been using it on some soft hackles too.
Antron and Mallard flank feathers get my vote too. I use antron mostly. I use several shades of tan, brown, burnt orange, & white/clear.
Jeff - Any carpeting in your place? A lot of carpets are antron...
Jeff - Any carpeting in your place? A lot of carpets are antron...

Ed....seriously! Don't tell him that! I can see it now his carpet is gonna look like he has gerbil infestation. Next thing your gonna tell him is he could use the wife's silk panties as a floss substitution. Jeff if you ever do I just wanna let ya know I'll take a dozen.;)
You could throw the whole kit and caboodle at em. :)
Did you tie that? Lol
Yes I did, believe it or not it works. Very hard to see, sits real low. Real low, half a container of floatant it took... Only bummer is ya lose it ya lose two. haha
I am sure it works. I don't know why it makes me laugh. Probably because if I tied something that intricate, I would lose it in a tree branch behind me, just out of reach.
Ya know it's funny I go through phases in tying, one time I just need to tie detailed flies. Then the next I'm thinking hares ear type flies are what I need. Can't explain it, I'm twisted like that. :-?