T. R. O. U. T.



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
A lot of good and bad I have been viewing, especially about the Fish Co

mmission and stocking programs.

T. Transformation
R. Regulations
U. United
T. Tenacity

Simple, we all need to stand together{all fishermen}review regulations and obey them, give all an opportunity for the best fishing possible, transform to a greater level of understanding through education. We have the tenacity to do it.

I want people to catch fish, have a nice trout meal, revisit the past and look forward to the future. I want the Fish Commission to aquire more trucks, more fish, more personell, updated and new hatcheries.

I feel it is sad when the Commission always has to defend themselves on reasons we really don't understand or consider. I see a future in the system in place. Let's stand together, help and develop it to the full potential, for all. Not just the fly guys.

Hat's off to the Fish Commission, volunteers, stocking programs, truck drivers, wardens, clerks, workers etc. etc. A big thank you from Maxima12
Typically don’t fish for stocked fish , so I’d like to see less money used for stocking. It has its place but I’m not behind expansion and certainly not more hatcheries.

W onderful

I ntriging

L ove

D azzling

kid. if you ever get a chance to fish Penns, ask around and talk to the locals, not only the fly fishermen but bait fishermen as well. Find the true reason why people have been posting more and more. Hint, littering and abuse is at the bottom of list.

The don’t stock (catch ) as many as they used to?

I may not either but it’s because I don’t fish from 6am till dark anymore, wade as aggressively etc.

Max you seem pacified after your Penns expedition- sounds nice.

Penns regs just changed so I’m sure there some unhappy campers - and fisherman. Supposed to help the wild trout. The one or two times I fished the cabin stretch for walk in only - I was asked to purchase a button. Declined as I was only fishing there for an hour or so , I get their deal but they live there and get great enjoyment.

Somebody’s gonna be unhappy all the time. They only made one Penns Creek.

Hope your next foray is better than the last. I enjoy your posts btw.

Paul - fellow fly nut
Kid, not pacified, provoked to do it again, again and again. A foray better, huh! It was the best. Never had a bad foray because Pa. and the Fish Commission gives me an opportunity to foray and play everywhere. May is all tied up, week on big pine, week on kettle, week on bald eagle, spring and fishing creeks. My job now is leaders and flies. I work the crowd. Put my hip boot's on now and then, only to figure what to use. I get serious fly fishing when I want to but know the difference. Always caught the most and biggest and had to buy my own coffee. Now I let my pals and unknown anglers catch the most and biggest. End up with a sandwich and beer! Seem happier than ever now. Not what you got, it's what you give. My joy comes from a fisherman that uses my flies and leaders and has a great day when his flies were not working.


Been asked why don't you come around to the meetings. Reply "too busy". Not to busy for the great people at the clubs, just too busy to sit and talk about it. I am busy doing it.