T-Paper Trick



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I was going through my pack this morning to straighten things out and reload things.

Here's a tip you may have never read before:

Grab a quarter roll (more if you have issues) of T-paper, flatten out the roll and put in a resealable plastic bag.

Keep it in your vest or pack for mergancies... :oops:

Saves the day every time.
Yah. And put another (bigger) roll under the car seat.

This topic reminds me of Beavis and Butthead.

I need tp... :)

In the woods, in a pinch, ferns work pretty well.

I am not a bear, so I don't.
Great tip.

I keep a 1/4 roll in a Ziplock bag in my sling pack. I keep a big gum band around it as well to keep it compressed. This has come in handy more than once.

I have a full roll in my fishing tub and I always keep a full roll in my truck as well.

Ive lost count how many times Ive pooped in the woods now.
I take 7-10 sheets of paper towels and fold them up and put it in a zip-lock for t-paper emergencies. paper towels hold up better when you may have wet hands or less then ideal weather conditions.

Also use the quart size freezer ziplock bags they hold up better then the cheap bags.
This may be a mindblower for some…but…Tucks “Take Along” singles. PrepH makes a similar product. Made for roid sufferers on the go, but they’re perfect for in a fishing/hiking/hunting pack. They’re in self-contained “handiwipe” type single pouches, about the dimensions of a credit card. They fold out to about the size of a couple sheets of TP. I just slip a couple in one of the sleeves in the admin pouch in my pack. Added bonus, they’re moist. Feels good to get the undercarriage nice and spotless when you’re gonna be hiking all day.

Only downside is cost…They’re relatively expensive at $4 or $5 for a 10 pack, but the convenience and space saving is well worth it for the handful of times/year doodie calls when in the woods.
I prefer to just find some nice foliage, the ones with three leaves are better than any tp.
I have baby wipes that I have used. They come in a flat pack that is easy to carry and store.
Baby wipes in a plastic bag have been my go to solution to this annoying distraction from fly fishing!
A distraction? Personally, I find it really peaceful and relaxing pooping in the woods. Suck down a cup of coffee and a Sheetz breakfast sammich on the way to the creek. Guaranteed to come out as soon as you put your waders on.