Swimmin jimmy



Active member
Apr 3, 2022
Somerset, pa
First time using this fly, works as a topwater on floating line, and deadly as a diver with sink tip
20220731 141158

Best of 5 in only 2 hours
I just started trying to tie some of those. had to go get the red beads
I wouldn't think that u have to have a bead, and I really don't think the color 9f bead matters
I wouldn't think that u have to have a bead, and I really don't think the color 9f bead matters
I dunno - the noise of the beads hitting each other and the color red indicating a bleeding injury may be key.
The action of that fly supersedes the beads. Swimming Jimmy is the real deal.. bass and trout dig em something fierce! I love tying a Chart and Pink one.... it absolutely kills em on the J.
I'm assuming ur talking about the Juniata? Any recommendations on where to fish for smallies on the Raystown branch of Juniata