Swatara fly fishing? ??



Feb 6, 2013
I am thinking i want to try some Bass fishing in the Swatara Creek this weekend. anyone fished it on a fly?
A lot of people have. Can't believe you didn't get some responses. Try crayfish, little popper or Clouser minnow. You'll get chubs, rock bass and don't be shocked if you net a 17"-19" smallie.

Jimmy Buffet weekend so near Hershey will be a zoo.
Yup. Flow right now is 154 cfs which is low, but it will allow you to read the bottom structure better. Fish will be holed up in the deepest water, but as far as learning the creek, no time would be better than right now. Honestly, I've found that rivers like the Swatty, Conestoga, etc., fish better when the flow is up around 300-400 cfs. Wading can get a bit trickier, but the fish seem to be more cooperative and less spooky.

As far as access points, find a point and drop in. I've always fished in the Hummelstown area. You can park at Duke Street and fish up or down, 39 and fish up or down, Hoss's, or downstream of that in the area of the turnpike.

It's a nice WW fishery, but don't be looking for numbers or a big fish day. They're there, but without covering a lot of water (boat), you'd have to do a LOT of wading.
Caught 4 Bass and enjoyed the day
Very nice. Any good ones?
2 were nice size. Hope to get out again soon
Back out today... Skunked for a while until I put on a Micky Finn I tied... Then 3... One large one
Dead drift a Clouser crayfish