SW PA hatches



May 1, 2014
Hey guys, does anyone know any good streams in SW PA that hold good hatches? I am specifically looking for sulphur hatches, but any place where I can get some decent dry action would be nice. I am not TOO far off of Central PA either, but I really don't want to drive more than an hour to fish. Bedford, Altoona, those places would be OK, but I am looking more for advice around Johnstown and Cambria County. This is really only the second year I have tried to hit hatches so I am not sure of what water is good around here. Thanks!
Searched the maps and I think I will head to Bob's the next time I go. Does anyone know of a good place to access Bobs, and what section is the best for flies? I don't wanna get there and have no clue lol.
Above Monument Road.