Susquehanna River - Middletown area



Aug 4, 2009
I may have the chance to fly fish the Susquehanna River near Middletown next week. Never tried that area before and I’d be wading. Just wondering if anyone has any advise on this area as far as access, water levels, and if it’s even worth it as I’d be targeting SMB. Any advise would be appreciated.
I can't speak to the population of bass near Middletown at the present time, but the population has substantially improved downstream from there in at least the stretch from Codorus Creek's confluence in York Co downstream to the tailwaters of Safe Harbor Dam based on last October's electrofishing surveys.
Water levels are perfect right now for wading as they are at "summer levels". Follow the USGS gauges at Harrisburg or Marietta to see what the CFS is, but right now they're both +/- 10,000 CFS. Check your PM's for access points...

wgmiller wrote:
Water levels are perfect right now for wading as they are at "summer levels".

I checked out the river in that area today (just drive by, not fishin) and levels are indeed good as well as clear. The Juniata looked good too - a bit higher than ideal and a bit cloudy.

However, the West Branch watershed got torrential rain today and this may effect the clarity downriver very soon.

As far as advice on fishing, I'd focus on morning or late afternoon/ evening. My typical game plan is to start with poppers and if this doesn't produce, switch to high sticking a nymph or crayfish, and then go back to the topwater at dusk.
I floated north of there on Mon. Fishing was slow but the fish I did catch were of good size, including 2 - 18 inchers. Fish were found near current where there was bubbling water, chunk rocks, and ledges. Flat water with no bubbles only produced a few, if any. No interest at all in top water.

As FI said, early and late are best, and clouds can help also. Good luck!
Thank you for the info. I'm really looking forward to getting out there on some bigger water. Placed an order yesterday to stock up on my popper inventory just in case there's any surface activity.
Make sure to check the upstream gauges before you head out. I was wading at the rocks near the middletown boat launch a few years ago and a rise of only a few inches almost closed my route back to shore. Thought several times that I was going to either be stuck until a boat came by, or was going to have to take a swim to get to shore. Luckily was able to muscle through some current and make it back. If the river nudges toward four feet at harrisburg, there are some sections that get pretty dicey.
I gave him a few access points that are "protected" by dams. That should help buffer any unforeseen rises in water level. For the most part, the only sudden increases in water level right now would be due to thunderstorm/rain activity upstream.
I made it out to the area near Middletown this morning from 7 to about noon. First time fishing that area but the water level was good with about 3ft visibility. I was surprised how clear it was. This visibility helped as I was wading. I saw a large amount of crayfish and forage fish. Also saw some very large carp and tried doing some sight fishing for one in the shallows but he wasn’t interested in my offerings.

Only saw four other fishermen all morning with three just heading further downstream. I couldn’t help but notice the birds in the area doing their thing. Bald eagles, ospreys, belted kingfishers, egrets, herons, sandpipers made me wish I brought my binoculars. The bird watching took my mind off the fishing, which for me was not so productive. I managed to land a small walleye, which was the first for me on a fly. Landed about six SMB in the 6-8” range and hooked into two larger fish that threw the hook. I tried several flies even some top water stuff, but all fish was caught on a white BH WB.

Thanks to those that offered advise for this area. Looking forward to getting back out there and doing some more exploring.