The Accomac site reported on in the past in the Area 6 PFBC biologist reports produced excellent numbers of smallmouth bass last night during a two hour electrofishing run of a few miles. Ninety-three smallmouths, with about 25 being fifteen inches long and longer was the catch. Included in that were four 19 inchers. Encouraging for the future was the number of fish less than 12 inches long. It was also a night for an abundance of large carp, numerous channel cats, and unusual for this site at this time of the year, only a few walleye. Delaware River electrofishing crews are also recording good smallmouth bass catches with more large fish than usual from Easton to the Water Gap. Juniata River crews are also doing well. Each time the water levels drop a bit PFBC crews are back on the water doing night-time electrofishing. Good flows are probably contributing to the abundance of near-shore fish. The water is not crowded, but anglers were also out last night, primarily fishing for catfish.