Supporting Advocacy Groups Re: Marcellus Shale Drilling



Sep 9, 2006
At the risk of starting a political debate, I wanted to drop a line regarding an issue that is frequently discussed here and is obviously important to all of us as fisherman in the state of PA.

I encourage anyone that believes in proper regulation of the natural gas drilling industry to support PennFuture and/or PennEvironment. They're both widely regarded as important citizen-advocate groups shaping this debate.

PennFuture was just named one of the top 10 players in the developing debate over drilling by the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, which said PennFuture was

"The most outspoken environmental organization in the state on a need for tougher enforcement of the industry. It has also pushed for a severance tax on the industry, but has not advocated for a moratorium on drilling, as some environmental groups in the state have. Instead, it has tried to pursue the dual strategy of tightening enforcement of the industry while arguing that if drilling for the natural gas occurs, coal-fueled plants should be converted to natural gas to cut down on pollution."

And PennEvironment along with cooperatives in NY and NJ just delivered 35,000 letters to the DRBC urging them to protect the Delaware from drilling. This was ten times the amount of letters the DRBC has ever received in regards to a single issue.

From what I can tell, these are the people that are fighting on the side of the residents of PA that care about protecting PA's natural resources for recreation, clean water, etc. I've been doing what I can do support both organizations and would encourage others to do the same.

I don't dare to imagine how much worse things might be, or get, without players like these groups involved.

And again, I hope this doesn't offend anyone or spark some unwanted controversy. I don't know these organizations in and out, they just seem to have goals that represent the citizens of this state, rather than the industries that stand to profit off the Marcellus Shale.