Sunlit Riffles and Shadowed Runs (Kent Cowgill)



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
When I saw the positive review in the recent issue of TROUT for this book, I got my wife to find it online (albiris) and get it for me. It began as a fly-fishing book, but it gradually changed into a book dealing with the marital infidelity of a fly-fishing professor and his wife. If you like such things, you might like the book, as it is written nicely. Since I found the book for only $1.00 plus postage, I do not feel too cheated. I prefer fly-fishing books that deal with fly-fishing.
At any rate, if you want to read about marriage issues along with a little fly-fishing, you might enjoy Cowgill's book.
Sounds interesting but no thanks... I fish to escape such things.