Sunkin Trico Spinners



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Hi guys. I just read a book and it had a chapter on Tricos. The author has a sunken spinner pattern and suggestions on how to fish it. Has anyone ever used sunkin spinners? If so, do you fish them blind or to where fish were or are rising? Thanks for the advice.
I sometimes fish one after the hatch as a dropper under an ant or caddis and throwing to fishy spots. Also did good last year nymphing a fast riffle with a trico dry and a little spit shot to get it down a bit....Usually though i sink the trico after top water action ends.
A few times on the Little Lehigh I would sink my trico spinner with a really small shot. It would work well in the riffles.
hey tyoung,
i see your from collegeville, theres a few of us in our neck of the woods

I fish sunken spinner on an 18" or so dropper off of trico spinner that is Drymagic'd up. No weight so it rides a few inches under the surface.
At the Sommerset show I saw Ed Engle (I believe it was him) tie a sunken trico pattern. It simply had a very fine black wire ribbed abdomen and the rest of the fly was dressed like a standard spinner pattern. The wire obviously adding the necessary weight to the fly to sink it.
Here are a couple videos of trico patterns
sinking a trico spinner is the most effective way on Spring Creek- at least for me and two guys I know. No need to wait until after the fall.
I just use a standard floating pattern and pull it under once it lands.
just be careful you don't overdo the polywings when tying them.

However, I like the idea of using small black wire to give it a little more weight.
I tie mine with an X-small glass bead. They are effective at 3 in the afternoon.
I usually fish them after the hatch - during the hatch it is just too much fun to fish on the surface. Once the hatch winds down fish sunken spinners in the riffles. You can also fish them as a dropper under a hopper. They can be very effective!
I've had a lot of luck during trico hatches by trailing a small RS2 (about the size of the tricos) about a foot or so off a trico spinner. I generally catch half on each fly. I'm not sure if they take the RS2 for a sunken, mangled trico or just something else they eat.