Sun Protection



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I am no fan of the sun and excessive heat.
(but summer fishing it can unavoidable sometimes)

Certainly use a high spf screen on my face and hands and neck, along with long sleeves and a ballcap most of the time in the sun. Have not used zinc oxide but would'nt mind trying- doesn't seem (as someone Maurice knows would say) greazy.

Also- thinking of using a cowboy hat this summer that has been sitting on a shelf for about 8 years. Any suggestions for making a cord thingy so it wont blow away???- a couple holes on that hat won't bother me.

Anyone have any homemade- head/face sun protection?

I got a couple bandana's I am thinking of using but don't want to revinvest the wheel. Assume you will be standing in bright sun with no shade for several days on end with sun reflection and mid-ninety's.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I wore a lightweight fishing shirt. It was breathable, and claims to have "upf-40", whatever that is. I am guessing UV protection factor. I would recommend getting one. I think it was $30 at cabelas. It smells pretty bad after 9 days of fishing in the heat with one or two washings... like an anchovy's **** as george carlin says, but it got the job done.

I also have a bucket fishing hat that I took with me, but didn't wear. Then again, I am covered in bear fur and the sun doesn't bother me much. I got it for $20 at the big box store.

Like I said... wet wade! Get a pair of wading pants, otherwise you'll be passing out with heat stroke.
carry a bandanna-to dip in water and put on back of neck-
wear a cap so you can dip in water and place on head
lip balm
get the spray stuff-it works if you want lotion.
get teeth fixed -if you have any-:)
higher altitude and less O2 will exasperate any problems. .
bug spray
AND DO NOT get macho and walk barechested across a high elevation snowfield-that's brutal sunburn.
Ennis should get its first snow fall right around labor day-then the finest,most invigorating weather on the planet
Native American summer[loses something in translation]
Higher elevation means more skin damage so protect yourself.
Sure wish I could be there for the Harvest moon-A sight you will never forget.
pete- dangit!

Would you know I have a tooth that is starting to hurt!

Reading you post put me over the edge and onto the phone with my college buddy. The doc happens to be a darn good fly fisherman too!

Maybe you really helped me out on that one pete.

Bruno- he told me to watch my karma this morning when I told him "Work is for suckers." One for karma there.
I have a cowboy hat that I often wear out west, along with a bandana around the neck.
I wear a floppy Army hat with cord already on it. you can dip it in the water to cool off.

Also like the cowboy hat it gives me 360 degrees of coverage.

You can see it in my avatar. I look super nerdy but my face and neck are always safe.

I wear SPF 30 Banana Boat Sport. Water proof. I keep a bottle on my bass boat and one in my truck for FF.

Maybe you can rub your dry flys on your arms and the grease will act as floatant.