Sun bleached quills



Active member
Jan 13, 2012
I hung a whole peacock tail feather in the window to get "sun bleached" this is my result. (Thanks for the idea Bob) #14
Good looking fly, very nicely tied.
Jack, outstanding!

Very cool! What hook did you use?
Thank you Ed, Mike, & TP I apreciate it. Trout, it's a Hends Bl 554
Very nice Jack - as usual.
Maybe it's time for you to quit your day job, and become a professional tyer

Just curious - how long does it take to bleach them like that?
Thank you kindly Harley...
Bill, you humble me with your suggestion. You are very kind, thank you. With the way our house sits to the summer sun and with the trees playing their part we do not have any windows that get more than a couple of hours of direct sunlight at best. It was two months give or take, honestly I forgot about it for awhile. I'm sure a location with more sun would take a lot less time. Thanks again everyone...
That is a nice fly Jack! What are you using for tailing?
Quills make that tie look fantastic.

what's the dubbing and is the wing case swiss straw?
Thank you everyone, Mike,Shane the tail & wing case is grouse & the dubbing is red fox squirrel (shaved from a pelt, shot him in archery one year) I'm really stoked about the looks of this tie...
Jack, I will be home in about 2 weeks I will help you try them out. They really look good
Thanks Roger, that we will. Looking forward to getting my fishing partner back.
That's an awesome looking tie Jack. You have certainly mastered those quill bodies.
Really sweet looking tie!
Thanks John & Dave I do like the look quills afford a tie...