summer heat..



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
so i had plans on filling and replenishing and tying enough flies by now to last me a whole september til elk freezes over season of steelhead patterns but this dang heat has put a stop to it who else's tying is taking a hard hit due to the heat? i tied one fly today and it looks like i went out and dug a trench from pittsburgh to philly i cant wait til october
I tie flys with the AC on. It's really comfortable. LOL The only flies I'm tying now are Tricos for the limestone streams I fish. It's nice to be located near so many limestoners. I fished this morning at a stream (no names please) with a water temp of 64 degrees at 0830. I was rewarded with a beautiful 17" male wild brown trout along with several others just as nice but smaller. I do the biggest portion of my fly tying in Jan. and Feb. These are the only months I don't flyfish. Don't care too much for the low temps then! LOL.
I haven't tied a fly in months. I'm lucky I tied so many steelhead flies last year. I do need to replenish my nymph box though, as I use those alot for steelies too. I'll probably tie a handful of white streamers, and then a few dozen hares ears and princes once life at home calms down. Everyone hits the tying funk at sometime. It's tough when you're tying for something that's 2 months away and aren't fishing right now.

btw.... I AM READY FOR STEELHEAD TOO!!! can't wait.
I'm acttually in the market for a new steelhead rod I'm thinkin something on the lines of 10'6 or 11 I've got the itch bad
11 footer for steel ? holly sheet batman , wow now thats a nymphing rod , if u fish the mile streams u may have to stand on the bank in the brush to get the tip over the run !
I fish an 11 footer for steel. It's great on elk, but that's the only place in erie that I've used it. I love it on the salmon river and the D. Tried to sell it, then rediscovered how great it was for nymphing.
Hey fly been a while, 11 foot rod sounds cool. Been fishing down here some catchin a few even a couple brookies, can't wait to steelhead again.
well ts obviously i wouldnt use it on the mile creeks lol or perhaps i could use it and never spook a fish again hahaha i could stand on the bank over at the circus and fish over top of people lol ill chuck they can duck
i am buying it for elk and just incase i decide to ever want to make it to ny..... i still have to hone my skills (or just even develop them in the first place) before i venture out of state
I got a window ac unit for my 10ft by 10ft tying room. My chair at my bench started to smell like bigfoots d*ck, after 2 days tying when the temps werein the 90's. Now cimatizing my self for winter steel every night I tye.

I have a 13 ft 8wt, 2 hander and you swear I have tourettes. I'm screamin (swearin actually) because I can't for the life of me figure out how to perform the "single spey" cast. I't is a very humbling experience.
That would be an excellent rod in NY. nice and cool here for tyin, windows and doors open. justa tyin an waitin for that ole Bobcat to come in the yard..
Iwas thinkin 13ft 8wt, the Grande in ohio, and steelhead would maybe a good combo.
wow i remember you posting about that spey rod a while ago i dont think i want to go spey rod im actually leaning towards the allen ss series 10.8 8 weight while im here can anyone ell me how a progressive action is going to act while high sticking? or is that what its made for?
Have heard switches are hard to cast 2 handed. Your timing has to be spot on to get a good loop. But alot of guys I've seen with switches do very little 2 handed casting. One "cat" told me he only single hands his and just bought one just because it look cooler. Go figure......