Sounds good. I never really got into emergers and am trying to up my game.
I would say almost 100% of the time I'm fishing in anticipation of a Sulphur hatch, the first fly I knot on is an emerger.
There are a ton of times they won't even look at my dun imitations but will hit the emergers, even when I think they are taking duns.
That leads me to believe that either my dun imitations or my eyesight sucks.
In regards to patterns,...
I use two different generic emergers for Sulphurs, the same pattern as I use for every other hatch. One has a wing nub made of snowshoe rabbit foot, a body of cream rabbit and a trailing shuck of Z-lon or Antron. The other is similar with a wing of CDC and D-Rib for ribbing.
I also fish a cream & yellow soft hackle or a Gold Ribbed Hares Ear soft hackle alone or under a dry fly.
My duns are appropriately colored although I am partial to yellow hackle 'cause I have it.
🙂 I tie mostly in size 16 and they are either parachutes or thorax flies. When one doesn't work, I'll switch to the other.
My nymphs are just a generic nymph in an dark brown/yellow mix with a dark brown wing case and legs of wood duck. I like my nymphs in a size 16 or 18.
For spinners I use a generic size 16 poly wing spinner in cream.