Sulphur Spinners?



Oct 25, 2009
What are you fella's tying for Sulphurs? I need a body color!

Lt Yellow Brown. Grab a sampler of all colors for 20 bucks the next time you're up there.
It doesn't come with pale yellow Jay witch seems to be a better Sulphur color
Rusty for the spinners, lighter for the emergers and duns
pale yellow body , later on a little cream mixed in
I tie my sulpher spinners bodies tan.
But I rarely use them anymore. On most of the streams where I fish sulphers, the duns keep hatching right up until dark, and I can usually keep catching fish on them
i would tie a bunch in several different shades od yellow to orange to rust.
How about sulphur?

Pale yellow for me.
Sulpurs come in may color variations. Seldom are the fish that fussy, but you can tie them in creamish yellow, yellow, yellow/orange, yellow olive, yellow

I have a base color yellow and mix a little of other colors to match the hatch. To make things simpler, carry some permanent markers and give them a dash of color if need be.

Link to source (pics):


  • Dun1.jpg
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  • Dun2.jpg
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  • Dun3.jpg
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  • Dun4.jpg
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  • spinner.jpg
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  • Spinner2.jpg
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Correct me if I'm off base, but if the spinners return after sunset aren't size and profile the triggers and color a non-issue? If the fish are looking up at the spinners in dim light would they not see only the silhouette (body, wings, legs)?
FlySwatter wrote:
Correct me if I'm off base, but if the spinners return after sunset aren't size and profile the triggers and color a non-issue? If the fish are looking up at the spinners in dim light would they not see only the silhouette (body, wings, legs)?

Pretty much, but FFers (and tyers) are often times more fussy than the fish (myself included).... ;-)

At the Jam last year, a few of us hit a major league sulphur spinner fall on the LJ. I left on my parachute dun imitation and caught nearly every fish I covered.

BTW, I like parachutes because I feel they can cover both bases (duns & spinners). They have a low profile in the water and the hackle can represent spent wings. The post adds visibility to the fly, which is a bonus. I often tie a few with a short florescent colored post and trim the post a little short for that purpose.

Same here. I carry little scissors with rounded points (lie from a med kit) to trim the posts (or hackles on catskills ties) on the stream.

As a fellow fly tier I get the obsession with details. Somewhere in my mess of materials is the magic combination... ;-)
I did just fine with a rusty spinner on Spring last year at the JAM. I do have some different shades just in case though from cream to tan to amber to olive.
I thought the same thing afish, that's until two consecutive nights when they were on the spinners. I fished a yellowish parachute as an indie and a trailing spinner in rust. The following night I trailed with the parachute. I'd say 5 to 1 the fish took the spinner and the natural's color was definately closer to yellow than rust... though I do feel the rust will give a better profile from below in low light.
parachute right up till pitch black at the head of the pools , the fish are usually right up to the surface just gulping , no need to cast to risers alot of the time , just blind cast , hear the take and set it !
Im confused about how many tails the duns and spinners have. Of the pictures you posted, Dun4 and Spinner2 have two tails, while the rest have three. What is the general rule to follow when tying in microfibbets, do you use 2 or 3?
Weesh wrote:
Im confused about how many tails the duns and spinners have. Of the pictures you posted, Dun4 and Spinner2 have two tails, while the rest have three. What is the general rule to follow when tying in microfibbets, do you use 2 or 3?

I'll answer for The Bug Professor (Maurice), I think he's on yet another sabbatical..... ;-)

Sulphurs have three tails, but many times they are broken off. Two tails are fine, the trout can't count...
THanks. I thought Maurice had posted those pictures. I guess I saw the "Moderator" under your name and got you two confused. Thanks for the info.
i use the standard "rusty"color a lot, but I also carry some in pale yellow, cream, and pale yellow with an orange tint (the same colors I use for Sulfur Duns), which have been my go-to if all else fails.