Sulphur Nymphs



May 16, 2011
you guys know any easy to tie sulphur nymphs? thanks
Usually a PT nymph works. I also tie a dark brown nymph with a amber color abdomon ond thorax sometimes.
Size sixteen phesant tail with a sunshine yellow thorax. Both in nymph and wet. Killer.
In a similar color scheme, this is a great emerger:

how would a pt work with sulpur yellow dubing for the thorax?
instead of putting in the peacock, substitute with yellow dubbing.
ok so would sulphur yellow work?
Color depends on where you are fishing. There are orange and yellow sulphurs
well were i fish i am 99 percent sure its yellow i am in southeast but i necver fished the hatch. it is my second year flyf ishing.
I carry both. Yes i use a mix of light yellow with a touch of golden stone, it comes out nice and buttery for the fishing cteek and lehigh. I use reg. sulfur with a touch of amber for my Delaware patterns. I don't know how they line up to others but they always produce fish. If its a off day and the nymphs aren't working i usually sink a comparadun and they usually take em. I also use some small wets. Thread to match bodies with a brown sharpie rib.... hope it helps.
it does! thanks, for the help.
dont some sulphurs have an olivish tint sometimes?
I have seen patterns call for it but i dont know when or where to use eric stroup, he would probably know.
I have some what look like appear to be sulphur nymphs but not 100% sure as they came from a friend of mine. Please let me know.

The first are typical beadhead hares ear. The colors (can't judge size) could represent a number of nymphs, including the March Brown, the Hendrickson, and a general attractor nymph. The second pic, focusing on the light colored wet flies, suggests a light caddis, as their is no tailing.

If you are looking for something you already have to imitate the sulfur nymph, go with the classic pheasant tail. I think sulfur nymphs are basically a light brown to dark brown. When they break the shuck, but still have it attached to their backside, they will present the dual coloration exhibited in the "Half-and-half" or some of the other patterns mentioned that incorporate blonde elements in the thorax region.
try this for a sulphur nymph
Thank you very much JackM and flipnfly your information and knowledge is extremely helpful.
Eric Stroup has a pretty nice pattern on his website that is a simple tie. His is more of an amber/brown so you may have to adapt the colors depending on where you are fishing. here it is:
size 16 streamer hook, wood duck fiber tail, wrap forward some brown small mohair yarn, whip finish. that's it.
Want the easiest one in the world... #16 scud hook with 3/32 brass bead and rust colored ice dubbing.