Sulhur Emerger CDC



Sep 13, 2006
Here's an emerger that's been working well for me. The only issue I have is that when a fish takes it, it gets slimed so bad I have to change the fly out. Sorry not a great pic, the camera is old and crappy.

Nice fly Beeb. Try tying it with a snowshoe hares foot wing instead of CDC.
The only issue I have is that when a fish takes it, it gets slimed so bad I have to change the fly out.

I fish something very similar (my tie doesn't post the wing like yours appears to), and rarely need to swap flies. I just rinse it off in the creek, dry it on the amadou pad or a shirt sleeve to wring out the water, then hit it with another dose of Frog's Fanny...couple sharp false casts and it's floating like a cork once again.
I've seen these tied recently with just a tad of sulphur dubbing near the wing. I think I'll tie several like that tonight.