Suggestions for March Brown nymph, emerger, dun for a beginner tyer?



May 3, 2021
I used the search function and did not see any threads for this fly related to tying recipes.

What do y'all like to tie for March Browns in PA? Can anyone post recipes or youtube links?

1. Nymphs - If it is a stream that has March Browns what nymph should I use?

2. Ermerger - What pattern would work for this stage?

3. Dun - Is there a March Brown dry pattern?

Thanks for any help I would like to be ready for this hatch this year.
I'm sure there are plenty of recipes available on line.

For Nymphs I don't think exact copies are needed or necessary. A size 12 PT or a darkish brown HE are close enough. A Gold bead or orange Hotspot work too if you want a little bling.

The classic MB wet is a great pattern and is probably the most effective of the 3. MBs hatch sporadically all day and it is rare to see a concentrated hatch. Swinging a winged MB wet could be deadly when MBs are about. I like a #12 or #14 with wood duck tail, tan body with gold tinsel rib, turkey quill wings, brown beard and orange thread head. You can also tie this flymph or soft hackle style. Replacing the wing with a brown partridge.

The Catskill style MB is a good pattern dry pattern. Size 12 in my parts. Wood duck flank split wing, tail is a blend of dark brown and grizzly, tan body, and blended brown and grizzly hackle. Again I like orange thread for this pattern. When dubbed sparsely you should see the orange undertones in the body.

Research Art Flick and Jim Leisenring for more in depth discussion on patterns and how to fish them.
For dries I do very well with a deer hair comparadun. I also tie a sort of thorax style dry with a cdc wing and brown or Cree hackle wound behind and in front of it. Clip the hackle flush on the underside.