Striper/Shad Jam, 21 April 2018, Susquehanna State Park, MD

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Let's try it this way.
There seems to be a lot of interest and members branching out offers in the Potomac so...
Let's pick one satuday as the main day. Others can make mini jams on other days anyone can join.
Let's get lots of trips, fish and pics!

What's the main date and who's in???
I'm in. I could do the 14th or 21st.

I've got a kayak and would love to explore the Susky.
Those 2 dates are agreeable to me. I have plenty of vactation so any days are good for me. 14th?
What's the rest say?
I got 2yaks and I'm ready to go
I don't have anything scheduled for those weekends yet, so I'm good with any of them.

When are we most likely to hit the highest numbers of fish, both shad and stripers? Earlier or later?
Are we going to fish with yaks or wadding ? And the actual flats or bellow the dam ?
Perhaps a map of the area of interest would be helpful? pretty please?
That's a good question and I don't know the answer. I'm a newbie when it comes to striped bass. I say as long as it's weather and fish permitting we do the 14th, if the 21st is better, then we do it then.

I say both. 2 groups waders and yakers.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
That's a good question and I don't know the answer. I'm a newbie when it comes to striped bass. I say as long as it's weather and fish permitting we do the 14th, if the 21st is better, then we do it then.

I say both. 2 groups waders and yakers.

Ok I'm charging $5 for kayak rides .
Then I'm charging $4 and I can carry 4

I don't have a kayak, but for those prices you can count me in! I've never fished from a kayak, though, so I'd be more comfortable on foot. Either way works for me.

April 14th sounds good. Sal, Raftman, and I have never fished stripers before, so we've got a blind leading the blind situation here until somebody with some experience steps in. Frederick?
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Then I'm charging $4 and I can carry 4

Mine has a motor :cool:

Ive never fished that area for stripers before but I don't see it any different then trying to target smallies with bigger flies .
I hope you guys like good beer.
Lol! Mine does too, it's the 4 others paddlin'

So the 14th is the official date?
I've never fished in this area, but I live close and think that I can safely accommodate two other anglers in my canoe. One in the bow seat and another in a beach chair in the middle.

Every striped bass that I have ever caught was between Trenton, NJ and New Hope, PA.
tomgamber wrote:
Still curious what area is being discussed here.

See thread in warmwater section .
May I suggest....

Saturday April 21st at Susquehanna State Park at Lapidum.

This is in MD on the west bank and is located at Deer Creek, and about halfway between Conowingo Dam and the Susky Flats. Camping is available.

Since the water conditions on the river and flats is dicey in April, the 21st allows the 28th as a rain date. Link up point could be the bridge at Deer Creek (you'll know the hickorys are in because it will be hard to park).

Wading anglers can focus on Deer Creek or the main river. I think there is a boat ramp fee at the park. I would likely take my yak down the street to Havre de Grace to access the flats (if you're a wildlife art fan or waterfowl hunter, don't skip the Decoy Museum while you're in the area). This might be a workable plan.

Disclaimer: it has been a few years since I've been down there and I'd happily defer to a more knowledgeable participant.

Susquehanna State Park
I like Dave's plan. He's got the details that are going to make this thing happen.
Dave Thank You.
Justin and I really want to do this but had no starting point.
I was gonna research it more this weekend and try to finalize something. You bought me fishing time :)

I say Daves plan is offical.


Can someone make the thread title Susquehanna Striper/Shad Jam Saturday April 21st @ Susquehanna State Park @ Lapidum.