Street Address? For Dave K.



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Why am I required to enter an address when updating my profile? I don't want that info available to anyone I don't give it to.
This is a new site requirement that has, unfortunately, been necessitated by the constant assault on our forum by spam bots. By requiring this info (addresses), we have been able to greatly reduce the bot problem, for now. In the meantime, we recommend that you utilize a phony address if you would prefer to keep such info private (which is entirely understandable).
The Mods
My street address is "Ask."
It keeps the trolls out. Don't worry I won't be doing any house to house verifications.
Chaz likely I can do one quick google search or some other searches and find out that information. Just saying.
Really wasn't trying to be a smarty about this. Everyone on the site is owed a better explanation.

The reason for the changes are we are always trying to keep bots, spammers and trolls off the site. It is the #1 problem we have to contend with everyday. Over the years I have had to add more security and new steps to keep up with the issues. If I could block every IP address outside the USA I would.

The latest thing I have done is turned on the requirement that every new user has to provide me their real name and address. This has stopped 99% of all spammers. Yeah!!

The unfortunate part of the this change is the site now requires all users to add this info as well when you make changes to your profile. I can't turn this off. Sorry about that.

I really don't care what you put in there, just don't be rude.

I am not looking to do anything with this and respect your views on this. I like many, enjoy keeping certain things private as best I can too. The darn Internet is pretty tough.

Thank you for your trust in me and in the site! Feel free to ask any questions on this you want.
I think its a good move. I am also of the real name for your screen name crowd to keep out riff raft! keep ip the good work!
dkile wrote: It keeps the trolls out. Don't worry I won't be doing any house to house verifications.

April 7th, 2014

My Dearest David,

If you're in the neighbourhood and would like to drop in for dinner, I would suggest contacting me first. I would be happy to tailor a menu based on your personal preferences (Kosher, vegetarian, no meat on Friday, etc) however I would have to caution that 123 Shady Maple Lane is not actually my home address.

I would hate for you to show up, likely bearing a bottle of wine (for my wife, she'd apprechiate that much) at the wrong address. They would probably welcome the gift, and open their home and hearts as I would to you; except for I'm pretty positive that the address doesn't exist anywhere in Bethlehem, at all.



ps: You can invite the rest of the gang, but not Jack. I'm afraid of what he may do to the carpet.